Подтвердить что ты не робот

Горизонтальная вкладка "и"

Мне интересно создать горизонтальное представление прокрутки, которое "привязывает" к просматриваемому элементу, поэтому за один раз отображается только один элемент. Пользователь может перетащить влево/вправо и увидеть предыдущие/следующие виды, переключившись на него, если будет достаточно скорости. Это взаимодействие точно похоже на то, что новый виджет погоды/новостей, который поставляется с Nexus One, предназначен для навигации между его вкладками.

Существуют ли существующие виджеты вида?

Обновление: найдена копия виджета новостей/погоды (GenieWidget), и они, похоже, внедрили свой собственный виджет для выполнения этого, который они называют com.google.android.apps.genie.geniewidget.ui.FlingableLinearLayout, который является частью их собственного com.google.android.apps.genie.geniewidget.ui.TabView. Поскольку этот источник недоступен, это не выглядит слишком обнадеживающим.


Ответ 1

(обновление 20110905: Официальные инструменты для Android теперь делают это лучше)

Я клонировал Eric Taix http://code.google.com/p/andro-views/ в github


Затем применили патчи сверху:

  • Патч JonO

  • Патч Тома де Ваарда

  • Разделение на библиотеку и пример, позволяющий простое включение в другие проекты

Я бы сделал этот комментарий выше, однако я не смог прокомментировать ответ JonO

Ответ 2

Не смотрите на новости и погодную реализацию, у нее есть несколько недостатков. Однако вы можете использовать исходный код домашнего приложения (называемый Launcher или Launcher2) на android.git.kernel.org. Виджет, который мы используем для прокрутки в Home, находится в Workspace.java.

Ответ 3

Эрик Тайкс проделал большую часть ворчания в том, чтобы лишить Рабочую область в WorkspaceView, который можно использовать повторно. Его можно найти здесь: http://code.google.com/p/andro-views/

Версия с публикацией делает то, что она предположила в эмуляторе, но на реальном оборудовании иногда застревает между представлениями, а не привязывается назад - я отправил ему по электронной почте патч для этого (который он тестирует перед совершением, так как от даты публикации этого), что должно заставить его вести себя точно так же, как это делает Workspace.

Если патч не появится там в ближайшее время, я отправлю его отдельно.

Как и было обещано, поскольку он еще не появился, вот моя исправленная версия:

     * Copyright 2010 Eric Taix ([email protected]) Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you
     * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
     * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND,
     * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
     * License.

    import android.content.Context;
    import android.graphics.Bitmap;
    import android.graphics.Canvas;
    import android.graphics.Paint;
    import android.graphics.RectF;
    import android.os.Parcel;
    import android.os.Parcelable;
    import android.util.AttributeSet;
    import android.util.Log;
    import android.view.MotionEvent;
    import android.view.VelocityTracker;
    import android.view.View;
    import android.view.ViewConfiguration;
    import android.view.ViewGroup;
    import android.view.ViewParent;
    import android.view.animation.Interpolator;
    import android.widget.Scroller;

     * The workspace is a wide area with a infinite number of screens. Each screen contains a view. A workspace is meant to
     * be used with a fixed width only.<br/>
     * <br/>
     * This code has been done by using com.android.launcher.Workspace.java
    public class WorkspaceView extends ViewGroup {

        private static final int INVALID_POINTER = -1;

        private int mActivePointerId = INVALID_POINTER;
        private static final int INVALID_SCREEN = -1;

        // The velocity at which a fling gesture will cause us to snap to the next screen
        private static final int SNAP_VELOCITY = 500;

        // the default screen index
        private int defaultScreen;
        // The current screen index
        private int currentScreen;
        // The next screen index
        private int nextScreen = INVALID_SCREEN;
        // Wallpaper properties
        private Bitmap wallpaper;
        private Paint paint;
        private int wallpaperWidth;
        private int wallpaperHeight;
        private float wallpaperOffset;
        private boolean wallpaperLoaded;
        private boolean firstWallpaperLayout = true;
        private static final int TAB_INDICATOR_HEIGHT_PCT = 2;
        private RectF selectedTab;

        // The scroller which scroll each view
        private Scroller scroller;
        // A tracker which to calculate the velocity of a mouvement
        private VelocityTracker mVelocityTracker;

        // Tha last known values of X and Y
        private float lastMotionX;
        private float lastMotionY;

        private final static int TOUCH_STATE_REST = 0;
        private final static int TOUCH_STATE_SCROLLING = 1;

        // The current touch state
        private int touchState = TOUCH_STATE_REST;
        // The minimal distance of a touch slop
        private int touchSlop;

        // An internal flag to reset long press when user is scrolling
        private boolean allowLongPress;
        // A flag to know if touch event have to be ignored. Used also in internal
        private boolean locked;

        private WorkspaceOvershootInterpolator mScrollInterpolator;

        private int mMaximumVelocity;

        private Paint selectedTabPaint;
        private Canvas canvas;

        private RectF bar;

        private Paint tabIndicatorBackgroundPaint;

        private static class WorkspaceOvershootInterpolator implements Interpolator {
            private static final float DEFAULT_TENSION = 1.3f;
            private float mTension;

            public WorkspaceOvershootInterpolator() {
                mTension = DEFAULT_TENSION;

            public void setDistance(int distance) {
                mTension = distance > 0 ? DEFAULT_TENSION / distance : DEFAULT_TENSION;

            public void disableSettle() {
                mTension = 0.f;

            public float getInterpolation(float t) {
                // _o(t) = t * t * ((tension + 1) * t + tension)
                // o(t) = _o(t - 1) + 1
                t -= 1.0f;
                return t * t * ((mTension + 1) * t + mTension) + 1.0f;

         * Used to inflate the Workspace from XML.
         * @param context The application context.
         * @param attrs The attribtues set containing the Workspace customization values.
        public WorkspaceView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
            this(context, attrs, 0);

         * Used to inflate the Workspace from XML.
         * @param context The application context.
         * @param attrs The attribtues set containing the Workspace customization values.
         * @param defStyle Unused.
        public WorkspaceView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
            super(context, attrs, defStyle);
            defaultScreen = 0;

         * Initializes various states for this workspace.
        private void initWorkspace() {
            mScrollInterpolator = new WorkspaceOvershootInterpolator();
            scroller = new Scroller(getContext(),mScrollInterpolator);
            currentScreen = defaultScreen;

            paint = new Paint();

            // Does this do anything for me?
            final ViewConfiguration configuration = ViewConfiguration.get(getContext());
            touchSlop = configuration.getScaledTouchSlop();
            mMaximumVelocity = configuration.getScaledMaximumFlingVelocity();

            selectedTabPaint = new Paint();

            tabIndicatorBackgroundPaint = new Paint();

         * Set a new distance that a touch can wander before we think the user is scrolling in pixels slop<br/>
         * @param touchSlopP
        public void setTouchSlop(int touchSlopP) {
            touchSlop = touchSlopP;

         * Set the background wallpaper.
        public void loadWallpaper(Bitmap bitmap) {
            wallpaper = bitmap;
            wallpaperLoaded = true;

        boolean isDefaultScreenShowing() {
            return currentScreen == defaultScreen;

         * Returns the index of the currently displayed screen.
         * @return The index of the currently displayed screen.
        int getCurrentScreen() {
            return currentScreen;

         * Sets the current screen.
         * @param currentScreen
        public void setCurrentScreen(int currentScreen) {

            if (!scroller.isFinished()) scroller.abortAnimation();
            currentScreen = Math.max(0, Math.min(currentScreen, getChildCount()));
            scrollTo(currentScreen * getWidth(), 0);
            Log.d("workspace", "setCurrentScreen: width is " + getWidth());

         * Shows the default screen (defined by the firstScreen attribute in XML.)
        void showDefaultScreen() {

         * Registers the specified listener on each screen contained in this workspace.
         * @param l The listener used to respond to long clicks.
        public void setOnLongClickListener(OnLongClickListener l) {
            final int count = getChildCount();
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {

        public void computeScroll() {
            if (scroller.computeScrollOffset()) {
                scrollTo(scroller.getCurrX(), scroller.getCurrY());
            } else if (nextScreen != INVALID_SCREEN) {
                currentScreen = Math.max(0, Math.min(nextScreen, getChildCount() - 1));
                nextScreen = INVALID_SCREEN;

         * ViewGroup.dispatchDraw() supports many features we don't need: clip to padding, layout animation, animation
         * listener, disappearing children, etc. The following implementation attempts to fast-track the drawing dispatch by
         * drawing only what we know needs to be drawn.
        protected void dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas) {
            // First draw the wallpaper if needed

            if (wallpaper != null) {
                float x = getScrollX() * wallpaperOffset;
                if (x + wallpaperWidth < getRight() - getLeft()) {
                    x = getRight() - getLeft() - wallpaperWidth;
                canvas.drawBitmap(wallpaper, x, (getBottom() - getTop() - wallpaperHeight) / 2, paint);

            // Determine if we need to draw every child or only the current screen
            boolean fastDraw = touchState != TOUCH_STATE_SCROLLING && nextScreen == INVALID_SCREEN;
            // If we are not scrolling or flinging, draw only the current screen
            if (fastDraw) {
                View v = getChildAt(currentScreen);
                drawChild(canvas, v, getDrawingTime());
            else {
                final long drawingTime = getDrawingTime();
                // If we are flinging, draw only the current screen and the target screen
                if (nextScreen >= 0 && nextScreen < getChildCount() && Math.abs(currentScreen - nextScreen) == 1) {
                    drawChild(canvas, getChildAt(currentScreen), drawingTime);
                    drawChild(canvas, getChildAt(nextScreen), drawingTime);
                else {
                    // If we are scrolling, draw all of our children
                    final int count = getChildCount();
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                        drawChild(canvas, getChildAt(i), drawingTime);
            canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, getScrollX(), getMeasuredHeight()*(100-TAB_INDICATOR_HEIGHT_PCT)/100, paint);


         * Measure the workspace AND also children
        protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
            super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);

            final int width = MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec);
            final int height = MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec);
    //      Log.d("workspace","Height is " + height);
            final int widthMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(widthMeasureSpec);
            if (widthMode != MeasureSpec.EXACTLY) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Workspace can only be used in EXACTLY mode.");

            final int heightMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(heightMeasureSpec);
            if (heightMode != MeasureSpec.EXACTLY) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Workspace can only be used in EXACTLY mode.");

            // The children are given the same width and height as the workspace
            final int count = getChildCount();
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                int adjustedHeightMeasureSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(height*(100-TAB_INDICATOR_HEIGHT_PCT)/100, heightMode);


            // Compute wallpaper
            if (wallpaperLoaded) {
                wallpaperLoaded = false;
                wallpaper = centerToFit(wallpaper, width, height, getContext());
                wallpaperWidth = wallpaper.getWidth();
                wallpaperHeight = wallpaper.getHeight();
            wallpaperOffset = wallpaperWidth > width ? (count * width - wallpaperWidth) / ((count - 1) * (float) width) : 1.0f;
            if (firstWallpaperLayout) {
                scrollTo(currentScreen * width, 0);
                firstWallpaperLayout = false;

    //      Log.d("workspace","Top is "+getTop()+", bottom is "+getBottom()+", left is "+getLeft()+", right is "+getRight());


        Bitmap bitmap;

        private OnLoadListener load;

    private int lastEvHashCode;

        private void updateTabIndicator(){
            int width = getMeasuredWidth();
            int height = getMeasuredHeight();

            //For drawing in its own bitmap:
            bar = new RectF(0, 0, width, (TAB_INDICATOR_HEIGHT_PCT*height/100));

            int startPos = getScrollX()/(getChildCount());
            selectedTab = new RectF(startPos, 0, startPos+width/getChildCount(), (TAB_INDICATOR_HEIGHT_PCT*height/100));

            bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, (TAB_INDICATOR_HEIGHT_PCT*height/100), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
            canvas = new Canvas(bitmap);
            canvas.drawRoundRect(bar,0,0, tabIndicatorBackgroundPaint);
            canvas.drawRoundRect(selectedTab, 5,5, selectedTabPaint);

         * Overrided method to layout child
        protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
            int childLeft = 0;
            final int count = getChildCount();
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                final View child = getChildAt(i);
                if (child.getVisibility() != View.GONE) {
                    final int childWidth = child.getMeasuredWidth();
                    child.layout(childLeft, 0, childLeft + childWidth, child.getMeasuredHeight());
                    childLeft += childWidth;

        public boolean dispatchUnhandledMove(View focused, int direction) {
            if (direction == View.FOCUS_LEFT) {
                if (getCurrentScreen() > 0) {
                    scrollToScreen(getCurrentScreen() - 1);
                    return true;
            else if (direction == View.FOCUS_RIGHT) {
                if (getCurrentScreen() < getChildCount() - 1) {
                    scrollToScreen(getCurrentScreen() + 1);
                    return true;
            return super.dispatchUnhandledMove(focused, direction);

         * This method JUST determines whether we want to intercept the motion. If we return true, onTouchEvent will be called
         * and we do the actual scrolling there.
        public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
            Log.d("workspace","Intercepted a touch event");
            if (locked) {
                return true;

             * Shortcut the most recurring case: the user is in the dragging state and he is moving his finger. We want to
             * intercept this motion.
            final int action = ev.getAction();
            if ((action == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) && (touchState != TOUCH_STATE_REST)) {
                return true;

            if (mVelocityTracker == null) {
                mVelocityTracker = VelocityTracker.obtain();

    //      switch (action & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK) {
            switch (action) {
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:

    //          Log.d("workspace","Intercepted a move event");
                 * Locally do absolute value. mLastMotionX is set to the y value of the down event.

            case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
                // Remember location of down touch
                final float x1 = ev.getX();
                final float y1 = ev.getY();
                lastMotionX = x1;
                lastMotionY = y1;
                allowLongPress = true;
                mActivePointerId = ev.getPointerId(0);

                 * If being flinged and user touches the screen, initiate drag; otherwise don't. mScroller.isFinished should be
                 * false when being flinged.
                touchState = scroller.isFinished() ? TOUCH_STATE_REST : TOUCH_STATE_SCROLLING;

            case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
                mActivePointerId = INVALID_POINTER;
                allowLongPress = false;

                if (mVelocityTracker != null) {
                    mVelocityTracker = null;
                touchState = TOUCH_STATE_REST;

            case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP:

             * The only time we want to intercept motion events is if we are in the drag mode.
            return touchState != TOUCH_STATE_REST;

        private void handleInterceptMove(MotionEvent ev) {
            final int pointerIndex = ev.findPointerIndex(mActivePointerId);
            final float x = ev.getX(pointerIndex);
            final float y = ev.getY(pointerIndex);
            final int xDiff = (int) Math.abs(x - lastMotionX);
            final int yDiff = (int) Math.abs(y - lastMotionY);
            boolean xMoved = xDiff > touchSlop;
            boolean yMoved = yDiff > touchSlop;

            if (xMoved || yMoved) {
                //Log.d("workspace","Detected move.  Checking to scroll.");
                if (xMoved && !yMoved) {
                    //Log.d("workspace","Detected X move.  Scrolling.");
                    // Scroll if the user moved far enough along the X axis
                    touchState = TOUCH_STATE_SCROLLING;
                    lastMotionX = x;
                // Either way, cancel any pending longpress
                if (allowLongPress) {
                    allowLongPress = false;
                    // Try canceling the long press. It could also have been scheduled
                    // by a distant descendant, so use the mAllowLongPress flag to block
                    // everything
                    final View currentView = getChildAt(currentScreen);

        private void onSecondaryPointerUp(MotionEvent ev) {
            final int pointerIndex = (ev.getAction() & MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_ID_MASK) >>
            final int pointerId = ev.getPointerId(pointerIndex);
            if (pointerId == mActivePointerId) {
                // This was our active pointer going up. Choose a new
                // active pointer and adjust accordingly.
                // TODO: Make this decision more intelligent.
                final int newPointerIndex = pointerIndex == 0 ? 1 : 0;
                lastMotionX = ev.getX(newPointerIndex);
                lastMotionY = ev.getY(newPointerIndex);
                mActivePointerId = ev.getPointerId(newPointerIndex);
                if (mVelocityTracker != null) {

         * Track the touch event
        public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
    //      Log.d("workspace","caught a touch event");
            if (locked) {
                return true;
            if (mVelocityTracker == null) {
                mVelocityTracker = VelocityTracker.obtain();

            final int action = ev.getAction();
            final float x = ev.getX();

            switch (action) {
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:

                //We can still get here even if we returned false from the intercept function.
                //That the only way we can get a TOUCH_STATE_REST (0) here.
                //That means that our child hasn't handled the event, so we need to 
    //          Log.d("workspace","caught a down touch event and touchstate =" + touchState);

                if(touchState != TOUCH_STATE_REST){
                     * If being flinged and user touches, stop the fling. isFinished will be false if being flinged.
                    if (!scroller.isFinished()) {

                    // Remember where the motion event started
                    lastMotionX = x;
                    mActivePointerId = ev.getPointerId(0);
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:

                if (touchState == TOUCH_STATE_SCROLLING) {
                } else {
    //              Log.d("workspace","caught a move touch event but not scrolling");
                    //NOTE:  We will never hit this case in Android 2.2.  This is to fix a 2.1 bug.
                    //We need to do the work of interceptTouchEvent here because we don't intercept the move
                    //on children who don't scroll.

                    Log.d("workspace","handling move from onTouch");

                    if(onInterceptTouchEvent(ev) && touchState == TOUCH_STATE_SCROLLING){


            case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
    //          Log.d("workspace","caught an up touch event");
                if (touchState == TOUCH_STATE_SCROLLING) {
                    final VelocityTracker velocityTracker = mVelocityTracker;
                    velocityTracker.computeCurrentVelocity(1000, mMaximumVelocity);
                    int velocityX = (int) velocityTracker.getXVelocity();

                    if (velocityX > SNAP_VELOCITY && currentScreen > 0) {
                        // Fling hard enough to move left
                        scrollToScreen(currentScreen - 1);
                    else if (velocityX < -SNAP_VELOCITY && currentScreen < getChildCount() - 1) {
                        // Fling hard enough to move right
                        scrollToScreen(currentScreen + 1);
                    else {

                    if (mVelocityTracker != null) {
                        mVelocityTracker = null;
                touchState = TOUCH_STATE_REST;
                mActivePointerId = INVALID_POINTER;
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:
                Log.d("workspace","caught a cancel touch event");
                touchState = TOUCH_STATE_REST;
                mActivePointerId = INVALID_POINTER;
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP:
                Log.d("workspace","caught a pointer up touch event");

            return true;

        private void handleScrollMove(MotionEvent ev){
            // Scroll to follow the motion event
            final int pointerIndex = ev.findPointerIndex(mActivePointerId);
            final float x1 = ev.getX(pointerIndex);
            final int deltaX = (int) (lastMotionX - x1);
            lastMotionX = x1;

            if (deltaX < 0) {
                if (getScrollX() > 0) {
                    //Scrollby invalidates automatically
                    scrollBy(Math.max(-getScrollX(), deltaX), 0);
            else if (deltaX > 0) {
                final int availableToScroll = getChildAt(getChildCount() - 1).getRight() - getScrollX() - getWidth();
                if (availableToScroll > 0) {
                    //Scrollby invalidates automatically
                    scrollBy(Math.min(availableToScroll, deltaX), 0);
            } else {

         * Scroll to the appropriated screen depending of the current position
        private void snapToDestination() {
            final int screenWidth = getWidth();
            final int whichScreen = (getScrollX() + (screenWidth / 2)) / screenWidth;
            Log.d("workspace", "snapToDestination");

         * Scroll to a specific screen
         * @param whichScreen
        public void scrollToScreen(int whichScreen) {
            scrollToScreen(whichScreen, false);

        private void scrollToScreen(int whichScreen, boolean immediate){
            Log.d("workspace", "snapToScreen=" + whichScreen);

            boolean changingScreens = whichScreen != currentScreen;

            nextScreen = whichScreen;

            View focusedChild = getFocusedChild();
            if (focusedChild != null && changingScreens && focusedChild == getChildAt(currentScreen)) {

            final int newX = whichScreen * getWidth();
            final int delta = newX - getScrollX();
            Log.d("workspace", "newX=" + newX + " scrollX=" + getScrollX() + " delta=" + delta);
            scroller.startScroll(getScrollX(), 0, delta, 0, immediate ? 0 : Math.abs(delta) * 2);

        public void scrollToScreenImmediate(int whichScreen){
            scrollToScreen(whichScreen, true);

         * Return the parceable instance to be saved
        protected Parcelable onSaveInstanceState() {
            final SavedState state = new SavedState(super.onSaveInstanceState());
            state.currentScreen = currentScreen;
            return state;

         * Restore the previous saved current screen
        protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state) {
            SavedState savedState = (SavedState) state;
            if (savedState.currentScreen != -1) {
                currentScreen = savedState.currentScreen;

         * Scroll to the left right screen
        public void scrollLeft() {
            if (nextScreen == INVALID_SCREEN && currentScreen > 0 && scroller.isFinished()) {
                scrollToScreen(currentScreen - 1);

         * Scroll to the next right screen
        public void scrollRight() {
            if (nextScreen == INVALID_SCREEN && currentScreen < getChildCount() - 1 && scroller.isFinished()) {
                scrollToScreen(currentScreen + 1);

         * Return the screen index where a view has been added to.
         * @param v
         * @return
        public int getScreenForView(View v) {
            int result = -1;
            if (v != null) {
                ViewParent vp = v.getParent();
                int count = getChildCount();
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                    if (vp == getChildAt(i)) {
                        return i;
            return result;

         * Return a view instance according to the tag parameter or null if the view could not be found
         * @param tag
         * @return
        public View getViewForTag(Object tag) {
            int screenCount = getChildCount();
            for (int screen = 0; screen < screenCount; screen++) {
                View child = getChildAt(screen);
                if (child.getTag() == tag) {
                    return child;
            return null;

         * Unlocks the SlidingDrawer so that touch events are processed.
         * @see #lock()
        public void unlock() {
            locked = false;

         * Locks the SlidingDrawer so that touch events are ignores.
         * @see #unlock()
        public void lock() {
            locked = true;

         * @return True is long presses are still allowed for the current touch
        public boolean allowLongPress() {
            return allowLongPress;

         * Move to the default screen
        public void moveToDefaultScreen() {

        // ========================= INNER CLASSES ==============================

         * A SavedState which save and load the current screen
        public static class SavedState extends BaseSavedState {
            int currentScreen = -1;

             * Internal constructor
             * @param superState
            SavedState(Parcelable superState) {

             * Private constructor
             * @param in
            private SavedState(Parcel in) {
                currentScreen = in.readInt();

             * Save the current screen
            public void writeToParcel(Parcel out, int flags) {
                super.writeToParcel(out, flags);

             * Return a Parcelable creator
            public static final Parcelable.Creator<SavedState> CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator<SavedState>() {
                public SavedState createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
                    return new SavedState(in);

                public SavedState[] newArray(int size) {
                    return new SavedState[size];

        //Added for "flipper" compatibility
        public int getDisplayedChild(){
            return getCurrentScreen();

        public void setDisplayedChild(int i){
            //    setCurrentScreen(i);

        public void setOnLoadListener(OnLoadListener load){
            this.load = load;

        public void flipLeft(){

        public void flipRight(){

        // ======================== UTILITIES METHODS ==========================

         * Return a centered Bitmap
         * @param bitmap
         * @param width
         * @param height
         * @param context
         * @return
        static Bitmap centerToFit(Bitmap bitmap, int width, int height, Context context) {
            final int bitmapWidth = bitmap.getWidth();
            final int bitmapHeight = bitmap.getHeight();

            if (bitmapWidth < width || bitmapHeight < height) {
                // Normally should get the window_background color of the context
                int color = Integer.valueOf("FF191919", 16);
                Bitmap centered = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmapWidth < width ? width : bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight < height ? height
                        : bitmapHeight, Bitmap.Config.RGB_565);
                Canvas canvas = new Canvas(centered);
                canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, (width - bitmapWidth) / 2.0f, (height - bitmapHeight) / 2.0f, null);
                bitmap = centered;
            return bitmap;


Ответ 4

Мне не известно о Nexus one, но я могу предложить вам просмотр галереи. Это идеально подходит для вашего требования в соответствии с вашим приведенным выше объяснением.

Ответ 6

Я пробовал многие примеры кода, которые мы можем найти здесь и там в Интернете, и даже если почти все они были хорошими, они неправильно обрабатывали то, что я имел в виду.

На самом деле у меня несколько ScrollView бок о бок, на экране отображается только один. Когда пользователь прокручивает по вертикали, я хочу, чтобы ScrollView прокручивал; когда пользователь прокручивает по горизонтали, я хочу, чтобы ViewFlow (глобальный макет, который я использую) привязывался к предыдущему/следующему ScrollView.

У меня есть что-то почти близкое к тому, что я хотел, но это будет делать это сейчас. Я знаю, что это ответ давно, но я хочу поделиться тем, что я сделал, так что вот оно.

Это просто класс, который выводит ScrollView и реализует onInterceptTouchEvent и onTouchEvent.

 * Try to know if the move will be an horizontal drag
 * If so, we want to intercept the touch event (return true)
 * otherwise, we don't want to intercept this event
public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
    int action = ev.getAction() & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK;

    // If scrolling (over X or Y), we want to intercept: process
    // it within the ScrollView & send it to the ViewFlow
    if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE && mState != NO_SCROLL) {
        return true;

    // Try to detect the motion
    switch (action) {
    case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
        float deltaX = Math.abs(ev.getX()-lastX);
        float deltaY = Math.abs(ev.getY()-lastY);

        boolean xMoved = deltaX > 0.5* mTouchSlop && deltaX > deltaY;
        boolean yMoved = deltaY > 0.5*mTouchSlop;

        if (xMoved || yMoved) {
            if (xMoved && !yMoved) {
                mState = SCROLL_X;
            } else {
                mState = SCROLL_Y;
        } else {
            mState = NO_SCROLL;

        lastX = ev.getX();
        lastY = ev.getY();

    case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
        // Remember location of down touch
        lastX = ev.getX();
        lastY = ev.getY();
        mState = NO_SCROLL;

    case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:
    case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
        if (mState == NO_SCROLL) {
            // Thats a tap!
        mState = NO_SCROLL;


    if (mState != SCROLL_X) {

    return mState == SCROLL_X;// Intercept only dragging over X axis

 * Handles touch events. Basically only horizontal drag.
 * Such events are handled locally by the scrollview
 * _AND_ sent to the {@link ViewFlow} in order to make it snap
 * horizontally
 * @param ev the MotionEvent 
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
    int action = ev.getAction();

    switch (action) {
    case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:
    case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
        mState = NO_SCROLL;

    case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:

    case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
        lastY = ev.getX();
        lastY = ev.getY();
        if (mState == SCROLL_X) {
        } else if (mState == SCROLL_Y) {

    return false;

Код не идеален и требует немного более лаконичного, но он функциональный. Почти как виджет Genie. (Я хочу, чтобы этот парень был с открытым исходным кодом!) Особенно вокруг обнаружения прокрутки, он не использует точно сенсорный шок, и он сравнивает перемещение между осью X и Y. Но это легко настраивается.

И я использую этот очень хороший код для своего ViewFlow: https://github.com/pakerfeldt/android-viewflow