Подтвердить что ты не робот

Сглаживание рисованной кривой

У меня есть программа, которая позволяет пользователям рисовать кривые. Но эти кривые не выглядят красиво - они выглядят шатко и нарисованы вручную.

Итак, мне нужен алгоритм, который автоматически сгладит их. Я знаю, что в процессе сглаживания есть неотъемлемые неоднозначности, поэтому он не будет совершенным каждый раз, но такие алгоритмы, кажется, существуют в нескольких пакетах чертежей, и они работают достаточно хорошо.

Есть ли примеры кода для чего-то подобного? С# был бы идеальным, но я могу переводить с других языков.


Ответ 1

Вы можете уменьшить количество точек, используя алгоритм Ramer-Douglas-Peucker, существует реализация С# здесь. Я попробовал использовать WPFs PolyQuadraticBezierSegment и показал небольшое улучшение в зависимости от допуска.

После нескольких поисковых источников (1, 2) показывают, что использование алгоритма подгонки кривой из Graphic Gems Филиппа Дж. Шнайдера хорошо работает, доступен код C. Геометрические инструменты также имеют некоторые ресурсы, которые можно было бы изучить.

Это грубый образец, который я сделал, есть еще некоторые сбои, но он работает много времени. Вот быстрый и грязный С# порт FitCurves.c. Одна из проблем заключается в том, что если вы не уменьшаете исходные точки, вычисленная ошибка равна 0, и она заканчивается раньше, образец заранее использует алгоритм сокращения точки.

An Algorithm for Automatically Fitting Digitized Curves
by Philip J. Schneider
from "Graphics Gems", Academic Press, 1990
public static class FitCurves
    /*  Fit the Bezier curves */

    private const int MAXPOINTS = 10000;
    public static List<Point> FitCurve(Point[] d, double error)
        Vector tHat1, tHat2;    /*  Unit tangent vectors at endpoints */

        tHat1 = ComputeLeftTangent(d, 0);
        tHat2 = ComputeRightTangent(d, d.Length - 1);
        List<Point> result = new List<Point>();
        FitCubic(d, 0, d.Length - 1, tHat1, tHat2, error,result);
        return result;

    private static void FitCubic(Point[] d, int first, int last, Vector tHat1, Vector tHat2, double error,List<Point> result)
        Point[] bezCurve; /*Control points of fitted Bezier curve*/
        double[] u;     /*  Parameter values for point  */
        double[] uPrime;    /*  Improved parameter values */
        double maxError;    /*  Maximum fitting error    */
        int splitPoint; /*  Point to split point set at  */
        int nPts;       /*  Number of points in subset  */
        double iterationError; /*Error below which you try iterating  */
        int maxIterations = 4; /*  Max times to try iterating  */
        Vector tHatCenter;      /* Unit tangent vector at splitPoint */
        int i;

        iterationError = error * error;
        nPts = last - first + 1;

        /*  Use heuristic if region only has two points in it */
        if(nPts == 2)
            double dist = (d[first]-d[last]).Length / 3.0;

            bezCurve = new Point[4];
            bezCurve[0] = d[first];
            bezCurve[3] = d[last];
            bezCurve[1] = (tHat1 * dist) + bezCurve[0];
            bezCurve[2] = (tHat2 * dist) + bezCurve[3];


        /*  Parameterize points, and attempt to fit curve */
        u = ChordLengthParameterize(d, first, last);
        bezCurve = GenerateBezier(d, first, last, u, tHat1, tHat2);

        /*  Find max deviation of points to fitted curve */
        maxError = ComputeMaxError(d, first, last, bezCurve, u,out splitPoint);
        if(maxError < error)

        /*  If error not too large, try some reparameterization  */
        /*  and iteration */
        if(maxError < iterationError)
            for(i = 0; i < maxIterations; i++)
                uPrime = Reparameterize(d, first, last, u, bezCurve);
                bezCurve = GenerateBezier(d, first, last, uPrime, tHat1, tHat2);
                maxError = ComputeMaxError(d, first, last,
                           bezCurve, uPrime,out splitPoint);
                if(maxError < error)
                u = uPrime;

        /* Fitting failed -- split at max error point and fit recursively */
        tHatCenter = ComputeCenterTangent(d, splitPoint);
        FitCubic(d, first, splitPoint, tHat1, tHatCenter, error,result);
        FitCubic(d, splitPoint, last, tHatCenter, tHat2, error,result);

    static Point[] GenerateBezier(Point[] d, int first, int last, double[] uPrime, Vector tHat1, Vector tHat2)
        int     i;
        Vector[,] A = new Vector[MAXPOINTS,2];/* Precomputed rhs for eqn    */

        int     nPts;           /* Number of pts in sub-curve */
        double[,]   C = new double[2,2];            /* Matrix C     */
        double[]    X = new double[2];          /* Matrix X         */
        double  det_C0_C1,      /* Determinants of matrices */
        double  alpha_l,        /* Alpha values, left and right */
        Vector  tmp;            /* Utility variable     */
        Point[] bezCurve = new Point[4];    /* RETURN bezier curve ctl pts  */
        nPts = last - first + 1;

        /* Compute the A  */
            for (i = 0; i < nPts; i++) {
                Vector      v1, v2;
                v1 = tHat1;
                v2 = tHat2;
                v1 *= B1(uPrime[i]);
                v2 *= B2(uPrime[i]);
                A[i,0] = v1;
                A[i,1] = v2;

            /* Create the C and X matrices  */
            C[0,0] = 0.0;
            C[0,1] = 0.0;
            C[1,0] = 0.0;
            C[1,1] = 0.0;
            X[0]    = 0.0;
            X[1]    = 0.0;

            for (i = 0; i < nPts; i++) {
                C[0,0] +=  V2Dot(A[i,0], A[i,0]);
                C[0,1] += V2Dot(A[i,0], A[i,1]);
        /*                  C[1][0] += V2Dot(&A[i][0], &A[i][9]);*/ 
                C[1,0] = C[0,1];
                C[1,1] += V2Dot(A[i,1], A[i,1]);

                tmp = ((Vector)d[first + i] -
                      ((Vector)d[first] * B0(uPrime[i])) +
                            ((Vector)d[first] * B1(uPrime[i])) +
                                    ((Vector)d[last] * B2(uPrime[i])) +
                                        ((Vector)d[last] * B3(uPrime[i]))))));

            X[0] += V2Dot(A[i,0], tmp);
            X[1] += V2Dot(A[i,1], tmp);

            /* Compute the determinants of C and X  */
            det_C0_C1 = C[0,0] * C[1,1] - C[1,0] * C[0,1];
            det_C0_X  = C[0,0] * X[1]    - C[1,0] * X[0];
            det_X_C1  = X[0]    * C[1,1] - X[1]    * C[0,1];

            /* Finally, derive alpha values */
            alpha_l = (det_C0_C1 == 0) ? 0.0 : det_X_C1 / det_C0_C1;
            alpha_r = (det_C0_C1 == 0) ? 0.0 : det_C0_X / det_C0_C1;

            /* If alpha negative, use the Wu/Barsky heuristic (see text) */
            /* (if alpha is 0, you get coincident control points that lead to
             * divide by zero in any subsequent NewtonRaphsonRootFind() call. */
            double segLength = (d[first] - d[last]).Length;
            double epsilon = 1.0e-6 * segLength;
            if (alpha_l < epsilon || alpha_r < epsilon)
                /* fall back on standard (probably inaccurate) formula, and subdivide further if needed. */
                double dist = segLength / 3.0;
                bezCurve[0] = d[first];
                bezCurve[3] = d[last];
                bezCurve[1] = (tHat1 * dist) + bezCurve[0];
                bezCurve[2] = (tHat2 * dist) + bezCurve[3];
                return (bezCurve);

            /*  First and last control points of the Bezier curve are */
            /*  positioned exactly at the first and last data points */
            /*  Control points 1 and 2 are positioned an alpha distance out */
            /*  on the tangent vectors, left and right, respectively */
            bezCurve[0] = d[first];
            bezCurve[3] = d[last];
            bezCurve[1] = (tHat1 * alpha_l) + bezCurve[0];
            bezCurve[2] = (tHat2 * alpha_r) + bezCurve[3];
            return (bezCurve);

         *  Reparameterize:
         *  Given set of points and their parameterization, try to find
         *   a better parameterization.
        static double[] Reparameterize(Point[] d,int first,int last,double[] u,Point[] bezCurve)
            int     nPts = last-first+1;    
            int     i;
            double[]    uPrime = new double[nPts];      /*  New parameter values    */

            for (i = first; i <= last; i++) {
                uPrime[i-first] = NewtonRaphsonRootFind(bezCurve, d[i], u[i-first]);
            return uPrime;

         *  NewtonRaphsonRootFind :
         *  Use Newton-Raphson iteration to find better root.
        static double NewtonRaphsonRootFind(Point[] Q,Point P,double u)
            double      numerator, denominator;
            Point[]     Q1 = new Point[3], Q2 = new Point[2];   /*  Q' and Q''          */
            Point       Q_u, Q1_u, Q2_u; /*u evaluated at Q, Q', & Q''  */
            double      uPrime;     /*  Improved u          */
            int         i;

            /* Compute Q(u) */
            Q_u = BezierII(3, Q, u);

            /* Generate control vertices for Q' */
            for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
                Q1[i].X = (Q[i+1].X - Q[i].X) * 3.0;
                Q1[i].Y = (Q[i+1].Y - Q[i].Y) * 3.0;

            /* Generate control vertices for Q'' */
            for (i = 0; i <= 1; i++) {
                Q2[i].X = (Q1[i+1].X - Q1[i].X) * 2.0;
                Q2[i].Y = (Q1[i+1].Y - Q1[i].Y) * 2.0;

            /* Compute Q'(u) and Q''(u) */
            Q1_u = BezierII(2, Q1, u);
            Q2_u = BezierII(1, Q2, u);

            /* Compute f(u)/f'(u) */
            numerator = (Q_u.X - P.X) * (Q1_u.X) + (Q_u.Y - P.Y) * (Q1_u.Y);
            denominator = (Q1_u.X) * (Q1_u.X) + (Q1_u.Y) * (Q1_u.Y) +
                          (Q_u.X - P.X) * (Q2_u.X) + (Q_u.Y - P.Y) * (Q2_u.Y);
            if (denominator == 0.0f) return u;

            /* u = u - f(u)/f'(u) */
            uPrime = u - (numerator/denominator);
            return (uPrime);

         *  Bezier :
         *      Evaluate a Bezier curve at a particular parameter value
        static Point BezierII(int degree,Point[] V,double t)
            int     i, j;       
            Point   Q;          /* Point on curve at parameter t    */
            Point[]     Vtemp;      /* Local copy of control points     */

            /* Copy array   */
            Vtemp = new Point[degree+1];
            for (i = 0; i <= degree; i++) {
                Vtemp[i] = V[i];

            /* Triangle computation */
            for (i = 1; i <= degree; i++) { 
                for (j = 0; j <= degree-i; j++) {
                    Vtemp[j].X = (1.0 - t) * Vtemp[j].X + t * Vtemp[j+1].X;
                    Vtemp[j].Y = (1.0 - t) * Vtemp[j].Y + t * Vtemp[j+1].Y;

            Q = Vtemp[0];
            return Q;

         *  B0, B1, B2, B3 :
         *  Bezier multipliers
        static double B0(double u)
            double tmp = 1.0 - u;
            return (tmp * tmp * tmp);

        static double B1(double u)
            double tmp = 1.0 - u;
            return (3 * u * (tmp * tmp));

        static double B2(double u)
            double tmp = 1.0 - u;
            return (3 * u * u * tmp);

        static double B3(double u)
            return (u * u * u);

         * ComputeLeftTangent, ComputeRightTangent, ComputeCenterTangent :
         *Approximate unit tangents at endpoints and "center" of digitized curve
        static Vector ComputeLeftTangent(Point[] d,int end)
            Vector  tHat1;
            tHat1 = d[end+1]- d[end];
            return tHat1;

        static Vector ComputeRightTangent(Point[] d,int end)
            Vector  tHat2;
            tHat2 = d[end-1] - d[end];
            return tHat2;

        static Vector ComputeCenterTangent(Point[] d,int center)
            Vector  V1, V2, tHatCenter = new Vector();

            V1 = d[center-1] - d[center];
            V2 = d[center] - d[center+1];
            tHatCenter.X = (V1.X + V2.X)/2.0;
            tHatCenter.Y = (V1.Y + V2.Y)/2.0;
            return tHatCenter;

         *  ChordLengthParameterize :
         *  Assign parameter values to digitized points 
         *  using relative distances between points.
        static double[] ChordLengthParameterize(Point[] d,int first,int last)
            int     i;  
            double[]    u = new double[last-first+1];           /*  Parameterization        */

            u[0] = 0.0;
            for (i = first+1; i <= last; i++) {
                u[i-first] = u[i-first-1] + (d[i-1] - d[i]).Length;

            for (i = first + 1; i <= last; i++) {
                u[i-first] = u[i-first] / u[last-first];

            return u;

         *  ComputeMaxError :
         *  Find the maximum squared distance of digitized points
         *  to fitted curve.
        static double ComputeMaxError(Point[] d,int first,int last,Point[] bezCurve,double[] u,out int splitPoint)
            int     i;
            double  maxDist;        /*  Maximum error       */
            double  dist;       /*  Current error       */
            Point   P;          /*  Point on curve      */
            Vector  v;          /*  Vector from point to curve  */

            splitPoint = (last - first + 1)/2;
            maxDist = 0.0;
            for (i = first + 1; i < last; i++) {
                P = BezierII(3, bezCurve, u[i-first]);
                v = P - d[i];
                dist = v.LengthSquared;
                if (dist >= maxDist) {
                    maxDist = dist;
                    splitPoint = i;
            return maxDist;

    private static double V2Dot(Vector a,Vector b) 


Ответ 2

Ответ Криса - очень хороший порт оригинала для С#, но производительность не идеальна, и есть места, где нестабильность с плавающей запятой может вызвать некоторые проблемы и вернуть значения NaN (это также верно в исходном коде), Я создал библиотеку, которая содержит мой собственный порт, а также Ramer-Douglas-Peuker, и должна работать не только с точками WPF, но и с новыми типами векторов с поддержкой SIMD и Unity 3D:


Ответ 4

Ну, работа Криса была очень полезной.

Я понял, что проблема, о которой он упомянул об алгоритме, оканчивающемся раньше из-за ошибочной ошибки, заканчивающейся на 0, объясняется тем, что одна точка повторяется, а вычисленная касательная бесконечна.

Я сделал перевод на Java, на основе кода Криса, он отлично работает, я верю:


Я все еще работаю и пытаюсь улучшить поведение алгоритма. Я понял, что на очень острых углах кривые Безье просто не ведут себя хорошо. Поэтому я попытался совместить кривые Безье с линиями, и это результат:

import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.geom.CubicCurve2D;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

import javax.vecmath.Point2d;
import javax.vecmath.Tuple2d;
import javax.vecmath.Vector2d;

An Algorithm for Automatically Fitting Digitized Curves
by Philip J. Schneider
from "Graphics Gems", Academic Press, 1990
public class FitCurves
/*  Fit the Bezier curves */

private final static int MAXPOINTS = 10000;
private final static double epsilon = 1.0e-6;

 * Rubén:
 * This is the sensitivity. When it is 1, it will create a line if it is at least as long as the
 * distance from the previous control point.
 * When it is greater, it will create less lines, and when it is lower, more lines.
 * This is based on the previous control point since I believe it is a good indicator of the curvature
 * where it is coming from, and we don't want long and second derived constant curves to be modeled with
 * many lines.
private static final double lineSensitivity=0.75;

public interface ResultCurve {
    public Point2D getStart();
    public Point2D getEnd();
    public Shape getShape();

public static class BezierCurve implements ResultCurve {
    public Point start;
    public Point end;
    public Point ctrl1;
    public Point ctrl2;
    public BezierCurve(Point2D start, Point2D ctrl1, Point2D ctrl2, Point2D end) {
        this.start=new Point((int)Math.round(start.getX()), (int)Math.round(start.getY()));
        this.end=new Point((int)Math.round(end.getX()), (int)Math.round(end.getY()));
        this.ctrl1=new Point((int)Math.round(ctrl1.getX()), (int)Math.round(ctrl1.getY()));
        this.ctrl2=new Point((int)Math.round(ctrl2.getX()), (int)Math.round(ctrl2.getY()));
        if(this.ctrl1.x<=1 || this.ctrl1.y<=1) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("ctrl1 invalid");
        if(this.ctrl2.x<=1 || this.ctrl2.y<=1) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("ctrl2 invalid");
    public Shape getShape() {
        return new CubicCurve2D.Float(start.x, start.y, ctrl1.x, ctrl1.y, ctrl2.x, ctrl2.y, end.x, end.y);
    public Point getStart() {
        return start;
    public Point getEnd() {
        return end;

public static class CurveSegment implements ResultCurve {
    Point2D start;
    Point2D end;
    public CurveSegment(Point2D startP, Point2D endP) {
    public Shape getShape() {
        return new Line2D.Float(start, end);
    public Point2D getStart() {
        return start;
    public Point2D getEnd() {
        return end;

public static List<ResultCurve> FitCurve(double[][] points, double error) {
    Point[] allPoints=new Point[points.length]; 
    for(int i=0; i < points.length; i++) {
        allPoints[i]=new Point((int) Math.round(points[i][0]), (int) Math.round(points[i][1]));
    return FitCurve(allPoints, error);

public static List<ResultCurve> FitCurve(Point[] d, double error)
    Vector2d tHat1, tHat2;    /*  Unit tangent vectors at endpoints */

    int first=0;
    int last=d.length-1;
    tHat1 = ComputeLeftTangent(d, first);
    tHat2 = ComputeRightTangent(d, last);
    List<ResultCurve> result = new LinkedList<ResultCurve>();
    FitCubic(d, first, last, tHat1, tHat2, error, result);

    return result;

private static void FitCubic(Point[] d, int first, int last, Vector2d tHat1, Vector2d tHat2, double error, List<ResultCurve> result)
    PointE[] bezCurve; /*Control points of fitted Bezier curve*/
    double[] u;     /*  Parameter values for point  */
    double[] uPrime;    /*  Improved parameter values */
    double maxError;    /*  Maximum fitting error    */
    int nPts;       /*  Number of points in subset  */
    double iterationError; /*Error below which you try iterating  */
    int maxIterations = 4; /*  Max times to try iterating  */
    Vector2d tHatCenter;      /* Unit tangent vector at splitPoint */
    int i;
    double errorOnLine=error;

    iterationError = error * error;
    nPts = last - first + 1;

    AtomicInteger outputSplitPoint=new AtomicInteger();

     * Rubén: Here we try to fit the form with a line, and we mark the split point if we find any line with a minimum length
     * the minimum distance for a length (so we don't create a very small line, when it could be slightly modeled with the previous Bezier,
     * will be proportional to the distance of the previous control point of the last Bezier.
    BezierCurve res=null;
    for(i=result.size()-1; i >0; i--) {
        ResultCurve thisCurve=result.get(i);
        if(thisCurve instanceof BezierCurve) {

    Line seg=new Line(d[first], d[last]);
    int nAcceptableTogether=0;
    int startPoint=-1;
    int splitPointTmp=-1;

    if(Double.isInfinite(seg.getGradient())) {
        for (i = first; i <= last; i++) {
            double dist=Math.abs(d[i].x-d[first].x);
            if(dist<errorOnLine) {
                if(startPoint==-1) startPoint=i;
            } else {
                if(startPoint!=-1) {
                    double minLineLength=Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
                    if(res!=null) {
                        minLineLength=lineSensitivity * res.ctrl2.distance(d[startPoint]);
                    double thisFromStart=d[startPoint].distance(d[i]);
                    if(thisFromStart >= minLineLength) {
    } else {
        //looking for the max squared error
        for (i = first; i <= last; i++) {
            Point thisPoint=d[i];
            Point2D calculatedP=seg.getByX(thisPoint.getX());
            double dist=thisPoint.distance(calculatedP);
            if(dist<errorOnLine) {
                if(startPoint==-1) startPoint=i;
            } else {
                if(startPoint!=-1) {
                    double thisFromStart=d[startPoint].distance(thisPoint);
                    double minLineLength=Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
                    if(res!=null) {
                        minLineLength=lineSensitivity * res.ctrl2.distance(d[startPoint]);
                    if(thisFromStart >= minLineLength) {

    if(startPoint!=-1) {
        double minLineLength=Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
        if(res!=null) {
            minLineLength=lineSensitivity * res.ctrl2.distance(d[startPoint]);
        if(d[startPoint].distance(d[last]) >= minLineLength) {
        } else {

    if(nAcceptableTogether==(last-first+1)) {
        //This is a line!
        System.out.println("line, length: " + d[first].distance(d[last]));
        result.add(new CurveSegment(d[first], d[last]));

    /*********************** END of the Line approach, lets try the normal algorithm *******************************************/

    if(splitPointTmp < 0) {
        if(nPts == 2) {
            double dist = d[first].distance(d[last]) / 3.0;  //sqrt((last.x-first.x)^2 + (last.y-first.y)^2) / 3.0   
            bezCurve = new PointE[4];
            bezCurve[0] = new PointE(d[first]);
            bezCurve[3] = new PointE(d[last]);
            bezCurve[1]=new PointE(tHat1).scaleAdd(dist, bezCurve[0]); //V2Add(&bezCurve[0], V2Scale(&tHat1, dist), &bezCurve[1]);
            bezCurve[2]=new PointE(tHat2).scaleAdd(dist, bezCurve[3]); //V2Add(&bezCurve[3], V2Scale(&tHat2, dist), &bezCurve[2]);

            result.add(new BezierCurve(bezCurve[0],bezCurve[1],bezCurve[2],bezCurve[3]));

        /*  Parameterize points, and attempt to fit curve */
        u = ChordLengthParameterize(d, first, last);
        bezCurve = GenerateBezier(d, first, last, u, tHat1, tHat2);

        /*  Find max deviation of points to fitted curve */
        maxError = ComputeMaxError(d, first, last, bezCurve, u, outputSplitPoint);
        if(maxError < error) {
            result.add(new BezierCurve(bezCurve[0],bezCurve[1],bezCurve[2],bezCurve[3]));

        /*  If error not too large, try some reparameterization  */
        /*  and iteration */
        if(maxError < iterationError)
            for(i = 0; i < maxIterations; i++) {
                uPrime = Reparameterize(d, first, last, u, bezCurve);
                bezCurve = GenerateBezier(d, first, last, uPrime, tHat1, tHat2);
                maxError = ComputeMaxError(d, first, last, bezCurve, uPrime, outputSplitPoint);
                if(maxError < error) {
                    result.add(new BezierCurve(bezCurve[0],bezCurve[1],bezCurve[2],bezCurve[3]));
                u = uPrime;

    /* Fitting failed -- split at max error point and fit recursively */
    tHatCenter = ComputeCenterTangent(d, outputSplitPoint.get());
    FitCubic(d, first, outputSplitPoint.get(), tHat1, tHatCenter, error,result);
    FitCubic(d, outputSplitPoint.get(), last, tHatCenter, tHat2, error,result);

static PointE[] GenerateBezier(Point2D[] d, int first, int last, double[] uPrime, Vector2d tHat1, Vector2d tHat2)
    int     i;
    Vector2d[][] A = new Vector2d[MAXPOINTS][2];    /* Precomputed rhs for eqn    */

    int     nPts;           /* Number of pts in sub-curve */
    double[][]  C = new double[2][2];            /* Matrix C     */
    double[]    X = new double[2];          /* Matrix X         */
    double  det_C0_C1,      /* Determinants of matrices */
    double  alpha_l,        /* Alpha values, left and right */
    PointE[] bezCurve = new PointE[4];    /* RETURN bezier curve ctl pts  */
    nPts = last - first + 1;

    /* Compute the A  */
        for (i = 0; i < nPts; i++) {
            Vector2d v1=new Vector2d(tHat1);
            Vector2d v2=new Vector2d(tHat2);
            A[i][0] = v1;
            A[i][1] = v2;

        /* Create the C and X matrices  */
        C[0][0] = 0.0;
        C[0][1] = 0.0;
        C[1][0] = 0.0;
        C[1][1] = 0.0;
        X[0]    = 0.0;
        X[1]    = 0.0;

        for (i = 0; i < nPts; i++) {
            C[0][0] += A[i][0].dot(A[i][0]);    //C[0][0] += V2Dot(&A[i][0], &A[i][0]);
            C[0][1] += A[i][0].dot(A[i][1]);    //C[0][1] += V2Dot(&A[i][0], &A[i][1]);
    /*                  C[1][0] += V2Dot(&A[i][0], &A[i][9]);*/ 
            C[1][0] = C[0][1];  //C[1][0] = C[0][1]
            C[1][1] += A[i][1].dot(A[i][1]);    //C[1][1] += V2Dot(&A[i][1], &A[i][1]);

            Tuple2d scaleLastB2=new Vector2d(PointE.getPoint2d(d[last])); scaleLastB2.scale(B2(uPrime[i])); // V2ScaleIII(d[last], B2(uPrime[i]))
            Tuple2d scaleLastB3=new Vector2d(PointE.getPoint2d(d[last])); scaleLastB3.scale(B3(uPrime[i])); // V2ScaleIII(d[last], B3(uPrime[i]))
            Tuple2d dLastB2B3Sum=new Vector2d(scaleLastB2); dLastB2B3Sum.add(scaleLastB3);  //V2AddII(V2ScaleIII(d[last], B2(uPrime[i])), V2ScaleIII(d[last], B3(uPrime[i]))

            Tuple2d scaleFirstB1=new Vector2d(PointE.getPoint2d(d[first])); scaleFirstB1.scale(B1(uPrime[i]));  //V2ScaleIII(d[first], B1(uPrime[i]))

            Tuple2d sumScaledFirstB1andB2B3=new Vector2d(scaleFirstB1); sumScaledFirstB1andB2B3.add(dLastB2B3Sum);  //V2AddII(V2ScaleIII(d[first], B1(uPrime[i])), V2AddII(V2ScaleIII(d[last], B2(uPrime[i])), V2ScaleIII(d[last], B3(uPrime[i])))

            Tuple2d scaleFirstB0=new Vector2d(PointE.getPoint2d(d[first])); scaleFirstB0.scale(B0(uPrime[i]));      //V2ScaleIII(d[first], B0(uPrime[i])
            Tuple2d sumB0Rest=new Vector2d(scaleFirstB0); sumB0Rest.add(sumScaledFirstB1andB2B3);       //V2AddII(V2ScaleIII(d[first], B0(uPrime[i])), V2AddII( V2ScaleIII(d[first], B1(uPrime[i])), V2AddII(V2ScaleIII(d[last], B2(uPrime[i])), V2ScaleIII(d[last], B3(uPrime[i]))))));

            Vector2d tmp=new Vector2d(PointE.getPoint2d(d[first + i]));

            X[0] += A[i][0].dot(tmp);
            X[1] += A[i][1].dot(tmp);

        /* Compute the determinants of C and X  */
        det_C0_C1 = C[0][0] * C[1][1] - C[1][0] * C[0][1];
        det_C0_X  = C[0][0] * X[1]    - C[1][0] * X[0];
        det_X_C1  = X[0]    * C[1][1] - X[1]    * C[0][1];

        /* Finally, derive alpha values */
        alpha_l = (det_C0_C1 == 0) ? 0.0 : det_X_C1 / det_C0_C1;
        alpha_r = (det_C0_C1 == 0) ? 0.0 : det_C0_X / det_C0_C1;

        /* If alpha negative, use the Wu/Barsky heuristic (see text) */
        /* (if alpha is 0, you get coincident control points that lead to
         * divide by zero in any subsequent NewtonRaphsonRootFind() call. */
        double segLength = d[first].distance(d[last]); //(d[first] - d[last]).Length;
        double epsilonRel = epsilon * segLength;
        if (alpha_l < epsilonRel || alpha_r < epsilonRel) {
            /* fall back on standard (probably inaccurate) formula, and subdivide further if needed. */
            double dist = segLength / 3.0;
            bezCurve[0] = new PointE(d[first]);
            bezCurve[3] = new PointE(d[last]);

            Vector2d b1Tmp=new Vector2d(tHat1); b1Tmp.scaleAdd(dist, bezCurve[0].getPoint2d());
            bezCurve[1] = new PointE(b1Tmp); //(tHat1 * dist) + bezCurve[0];
            Vector2d b2Tmp=new Vector2d(tHat2); b2Tmp.scaleAdd(dist, bezCurve[3].getPoint2d());
            bezCurve[2] = new PointE(b2Tmp); //(tHat2 * dist) + bezCurve[3];

            return (bezCurve);

        /*  First and last control points of the Bezier curve are */
        /*  positioned exactly at the first and last data points */
        /*  Control points 1 and 2 are positioned an alpha distance out */
        /*  on the tangent vectors, left and right, respectively */
        bezCurve[0] = new PointE(d[first]);
        bezCurve[3] = new PointE(d[last]);
        Vector2d alphaLTmp=new Vector2d(tHat1); alphaLTmp.scaleAdd(alpha_l, bezCurve[0].getPoint2d());  
        bezCurve[1] = new PointE(alphaLTmp);    //(tHat1 * alpha_l) + bezCurve[0]
        Vector2d alphaRTmp=new Vector2d(tHat2); alphaRTmp.scaleAdd(alpha_r, bezCurve[3].getPoint2d());
        bezCurve[2] = new PointE(alphaRTmp);    //(tHat2 * alpha_r) + bezCurve[3];

        return (bezCurve);

     *  Reparameterize:
     *  Given set of points and their parameterization, try to find
     *   a better parameterization.
    static double[] Reparameterize(Point2D[] d,int first,int last,double[] u, Point2D[] bezCurve)
        int     nPts = last-first+1;    
        int     i;
        double[]    uPrime = new double[nPts];      /*  New parameter values    */

        for (i = first; i <= last; i++) {
            uPrime[i-first] = NewtonRaphsonRootFind(bezCurve, d[i], u[i-first]);
        return uPrime;

     *  NewtonRaphsonRootFind :
     *  Use Newton-Raphson iteration to find better root.
    static double NewtonRaphsonRootFind(Point2D[] Q, Point2D P, double u)
        double      numerator, denominator;
        Point2D[]     Q1 = new Point2D[3];  //Q'
        Point2D[]       Q2 = new Point2D[2];  //Q''
        Point2D       Q_u, Q1_u, Q2_u; /*u evaluated at Q, Q', & Q''  */
        double      uPrime;     /*  Improved u          */
        int         i;

        /* Compute Q(u) */
        Q_u = BezierII(3, Q, u);

        /* Generate control vertices for Q' */
        for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
            double qXTmp=(Q[i+1].getX() - Q[i].getX()) * 3.0;   //Q1[i].x = (Q[i+1].x - Q[i].x) * 3.0;
            double qYTmp=(Q[i+1].getY() - Q[i].getY()) * 3.0;   //Q1[i].y = (Q[i+1].y - Q[i].y) * 3.0;
            Q1[i]=new Point2D.Double(qXTmp, qYTmp);

        /* Generate control vertices for Q'' */
        for (i = 0; i <= 1; i++) {
            double qXTmp=(Q1[i+1].getX() - Q1[i].getX()) * 2.0; //Q2[i].x = (Q1[i+1].x - Q1[i].x) * 2.0;
            double qYTmp=(Q1[i+1].getY() - Q1[i].getY()) * 2.0; //Q2[i].y = (Q1[i+1].y - Q1[i].y) * 2.0;
            Q2[i]=new Point2D.Double(qXTmp, qYTmp);

        /* Compute Q'(u) and Q''(u) */
        Q1_u = BezierII(2, Q1, u);
        Q2_u = BezierII(1, Q2, u);

        /* Compute f(u)/f'(u) */
        numerator = (Q_u.getX() - P.getX()) * (Q1_u.getX()) + (Q_u.getY() - P.getY()) * (Q1_u.getY());
        denominator = (Q1_u.getX()) * (Q1_u.getX()) + (Q1_u.getY()) * (Q1_u.getY()) + (Q_u.getX() - P.getX()) * (Q2_u.getX()) + (Q_u.getY() - P.getY()) * (Q2_u.getY());
        if (denominator == 0.0f) return u;

        /* u = u - f(u)/f'(u) */
        uPrime = u - (numerator/denominator);
        return (uPrime);

     *  Bezier :
     *      Evaluate a Bezier curve at a particular parameter value
    static Point2D BezierII(int degree, Point2D[] V, double t)
        int     i, j;       
        Point2D   Q;          /* Point on curve at parameter t    */
        Point2D[]     Vtemp;      /* Local copy of control points     */

        /* Copy array   */
        Vtemp = new Point2D[degree+1];
        for (i = 0; i <= degree; i++) {
            Vtemp[i] = new Point2D.Double(V[i].getX(), V[i].getY());

        /* Triangle computation */
        for (i = 1; i <= degree; i++) { 
            for (j = 0; j <= degree-i; j++) {
                double tmpX, tmpY;
                tmpX = (1.0 - t) * Vtemp[j].getX() + t * Vtemp[j+1].getX();
                tmpY = (1.0 - t) * Vtemp[j].getY() + t * Vtemp[j+1].getY();
                Vtemp[j].setLocation(tmpX, tmpY);

        Q = Vtemp[0];
        return Q;

     *  B0, B1, B2, B3 :
     *  Bezier multipliers
    static double B0(double u)
        double tmp = 1.0 - u;
        return (tmp * tmp * tmp);

    static double B1(double u)
        double tmp = 1.0 - u;
        return (3 * u * (tmp * tmp));

    static double B2(double u)
        double tmp = 1.0 - u;
        return (3 * u * u * tmp);

    static double B3(double u)
        return (u * u * u);

     * ComputeLeftTangent, ComputeRightTangent, ComputeCenterTangent :
     *Approximate unit tangents at endpoints and "center" of digitized curve
    static Vector2d ComputeLeftTangent(Point[] d, int end)
        Vector2d  tHat1=new Vector2d(PointE.getPoint2d(d[end+1]));
        return tHat1;

    static Vector2d ComputeRightTangent(Point[] d, int end)
        //tHat2 = V2SubII(d[end-1], d[end]); tHat2 = *V2Normalize(&tHat2);
        Vector2d  tHat2=new Vector2d(PointE.getPoint2d(d[end-1]));
        return tHat2;

    static Vector2d ComputeCenterTangent(Point[] d ,int center)
        //V1 = V2SubII(d[center-1], d[center]);
        Vector2d  V1=new Vector2d(PointE.getPoint2d(d[center-1]));
        V1.sub(new PointE(d[center]).getPoint2d());

        //V2 = V2SubII(d[center], d[center+1]);
        Vector2d  V2=new Vector2d(PointE.getPoint2d(d[center]));

        //tHatCenter.x = (V1.x + V2.x)/2.0;
        //tHatCenter.y = (V1.y + V2.y)/2.0;
        //tHatCenter = *V2Normalize(&tHatCenter);
        Vector2d tHatCenter=new Vector2d((V1.x + V2.x)/2.0, (V1.y + V2.y)/2.0);
        return tHatCenter;

     *  ChordLengthParameterize :
     *  Assign parameter values to digitized points 
     *  using relative distances between points.
    static double[] ChordLengthParameterize(Point[] d,int first,int last)
        int     i;  
        double[]    u = new double[last-first+1];           /*  Parameterization        */

        u[0] = 0.0;
        for (i = first+1; i <= last; i++) {
            u[i-first] = u[i-first-1] + d[i-1].distance(d[i]);

        for (i = first + 1; i <= last; i++) {
            u[i-first] = u[i-first] / u[last-first];

        return u;

     *  ComputeMaxError :
     *  Find the maximum squared distance of digitized points
     *  to fitted curve.
    static double ComputeMaxError(Point2D[] d, int first, int last, Point2D[] bezCurve, double[] u, AtomicInteger splitPoint)
        int     i;
        double  maxDist;        /*  Maximum error       */
        double  dist;       /*  Current error       */
        Point2D   P;          /*  Point on curve      */
        Vector2d  v;          /*  Vector from point to curve  */

        int tmpSplitPoint=(last - first + 1)/2;
        maxDist = 0.0;

        for (i = first + 1; i < last; i++) {                
            P = BezierII(3, bezCurve, u[i-first]);

            v = new Vector2d(P.getX() - d[i].getX(), P.getY() - d[i].getY());   //P - d[i];
            dist = v.lengthSquared();
            if (dist >= maxDist) {
                maxDist = dist;
        return maxDist;

     * This is kind of a bridge between javax.vecmath and java.util.Point2D
     * @author Ruben
     * @since 1.24
    public static class PointE extends Point2D.Double {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -1482403817370130793L;
        public PointE(Tuple2d tup) {
            super(tup.x, tup.y);
        public PointE(Point2D p) {
            super(p.getX(), p.getY());
        public PointE(double x, double y) {
            super(x, y);
        public PointE scale(double dist) {
            return new PointE(getX()*dist, getY()*dist);
        public PointE scaleAdd(double dist, Point2D sum) {
            return new PointE(getX()*dist + sum.getX(), getY()*dist + sum.getY());
        public PointE substract(Point2D p) {
            return new PointE(getX() - p.getX(), getY() - p.getY());
        public Point2d getPoint2d() {
            return getPoint2d(this);
        public static Point2d getPoint2d(Point2D p) {
            return new Point2d(p.getX(), p.getY());

Здесь изображение последнего рабочего, белые - линии, а красный - Безье:

enter image description here

Используя этот подход, мы используем меньше контрольных точек и более точны. Чувствительность для создания линий можно настроить с помощью атрибута lineSensitivity. Если вы не хотите, чтобы строки были использованы вообще, просто установите его в бесконечное.

Я уверен, что это можно улучшить. Не стесняйтесь вносить свой вклад:)

Алгоритм не делает никакого сокращения, и из-за первого объяснения в моем сообщении мы должны запустить его. Вот реализация DouglasPeuckerReduction, которая для меня работает в некоторых случаях еще эффективнее (меньше точек для хранения и быстрого рендеринга), чем дополнительный FitCurves

import java.awt.Point;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

public class DouglasPeuckerReduction {

    public static List<Point> reduce(Point[] points, double tolerance)
        if (points == null || points.length < 3) return Arrays.asList(points);

        int firstPoint = 0;
        int lastPoint = points.length - 1;

        SortedList<Integer> pointIndexsToKeep;
        try {
            pointIndexsToKeep = new SortedList<Integer>(LinkedList.class);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            return null;

        //Add the first and last index to the keepers

        //The first and the last point cannot be the same
        while (points[firstPoint].equals(points[lastPoint])) {

        reduce(points, firstPoint, lastPoint, tolerance, pointIndexsToKeep);

        List<Point> returnPoints = new ArrayList<Point>(pointIndexsToKeep.size());

        for (int pIndex : pointIndexsToKeep) {

        return returnPoints;

    private static void reduce(Point[] points, int firstPoint, int lastPoint, double tolerance, List<Integer> pointIndexsToKeep) {
        double maxDistance = 0;
        int indexFarthest = 0;

        Line tmpLine=new Line(points[firstPoint], points[lastPoint]);

        for (int index = firstPoint; index < lastPoint; index++) {
            double distance = tmpLine.getDistanceFrom(points[index]);
            if (distance > maxDistance) {
                maxDistance = distance;
                indexFarthest = index;

        if (maxDistance > tolerance && indexFarthest != 0) {
            //Add the largest point that exceeds the tolerance

            reduce(points, firstPoint, indexFarthest, tolerance, pointIndexsToKeep);
            reduce(points, indexFarthest, lastPoint, tolerance, pointIndexsToKeep);


Я использую здесь свою собственную реализацию SortedList и Line. Вам придется сделать это сами, извините.

Ответ 5

Я не тестировал его, но один подход, который приходит на ум, будет отображать значения в некоторый интервал и создавать сплайн для подключения точек.

Например, скажем, что значение x вашей кривой начинается с 0 и заканчивается на 10. Таким образом, вы выбираете значения y при x = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 и создайте сплайн из точек (0, y (0)), (1, y (1)),... (10, y (10))

У него, вероятно, возникнут проблемы, такие как случайные всплески, нарисованные пользователем, но это может стоить выстрела

Ответ 6

Для пользователей Silverlight от Криса ответьте, что точка закорочена, а Vector не существует. Это минимальный векторный класс, который поддерживает код:

public class Vector
   public double X { get; set; }
   public double Y { get; set; }
   public Vector(double x=0, double y=0)
      X = x;
      Y = y;

   public static implicit operator Vector(Point b)
      return new Vector(b.X, b.Y);

   public static Point operator *(Vector left, double right)
      return new Point(left.X * right, left.Y * right);
   public static Vector operator -(Vector left, Point right)
      return new Vector(left.X - right.X, left.Y - right.Y);

   internal void Negate()
      X = -X;
      Y = -Y;

   internal void Normalize()
      double factor = 1.0 / Math.Sqrt(LengthSquared);
      X *= factor;
      Y *= factor;

   public double LengthSquared { get { return X * X + Y * Y; } }

Также пришлось обратиться к использованию операторов Length и +, -. Я решил просто добавить функции в класс FitCurves и переписать их обычаи, где компилятор жаловался.

  public static double Length(Point a, Point b)
     double x = a.X-b.X;
     double y = a.Y-b.Y;
     return Math.Sqrt(x*x+y*y);

  public static Point Add(Point a, Point b)
     return new Point(a.X + b.X, a.Y + b.Y);

  public static Point Subtract(Point a, Point b)
     return new Point(a.X - b.X, a.Y - b.Y);