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Как заменить файл в установщике msi?

Я хочу заменить один файл внутри msi. Как это сделать?


Ответ 1

Используйте msi2xml.

  • Эта команда извлекает файлы MSI:

    msi2xml -c OutputDir TestMSI.MSI

  • Откройте OutputDir и измените файл.

  • Чтобы перестроить запуск MSI:

    xml2msi.exe -m TestMSI.xml

Вам нужно, чтобы -m проигнорировал "тест контрольной суммы MD5", который терпит неудачу при изменении файлов MSI.

Ответ 2

Вам нужно извлечь поток CAB файлов из своего msi, используя MsiDB.exe (поставляется с установщиком Windows SDK). Запустите его из командной строки с опцией -x и укажите имя файла кабины - это указано в таблице мультимедиа в базе данных msi.

В качестве альтернативы вы можете пропустить эту часть, если вы укажете опцию "Пакетные файлы как:" в параметрах VSI для "Сжатие файлов в шкафу", чтобы файл кэша был оставлен вне msi при его создании (он будет создан в тот же каталог, что и msi).

После извлечения вы можете изменить указанный файл в папке cab - его имя было искалечено, поэтому вам нужно выяснить, какое имя msi для файла находится в таблице файлов, а затем переименовать ваш новый файл в это.

После этого вы можете вернуть его с помощью утилиты MsiDB с помощью опции -a.

Перед добавлением с помощью -a вам нужно использовать msidb -k для удалить кабину из MSI.

Ответ 3

Попробуйте InstEd - редактор установщика в http://www.instedit.com/. У него 30-дневный пробный период, и он работает для меня. Вы извлекаете файлы в папку, редактируете, перестраиваете кабину, а затем сохраняете MSI. Все, кроме редактирования ваших файлов, выполняется в графическом интерфейсе.

Не отличная программа, но я заплатил свои 30 долларов, чтобы иметь возможность быстро редактировать файлы в MSI.

Я не работаю для InstEd или не связан ни с чем, кроме оплаты и использования приложения.

Ответ 4

Очень простой пример кода для замены файла внутри MSI. Это не передает новый файл /CAB обратно в MSI, но требует, чтобы CAB находился в том же каталоге, что и MSI для успешной установки. Я уверен, что с меньшими усилиями вы могли бы изменить код, чтобы снова запустить CAB.

Const MSI_SOURCE = "application.msi"
Const FILE_REPLACE = "config.xml"

Dim filesys, installer, database, view
Dim objFile, size, result, objCab

Set filesys=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set installer = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
Set database = installer.OpenDatabase (MSI_SOURCE, 1)

Set objFile = filesys.GetFile(FILE_REPLACE)
size = objFile.Size

Set objCab = CreateObject("MakeCab.MakeCab.1")
objCab.CreateCab "config.cab", False, False, False
objCab.AddFile FILE_REPLACE, filesys.GetFileName(FILE_REPLACE)

Set view = database.OpenView ("SELECT LastSequence FROM Media WHERE DiskId = 1")

Set result = view.Fetch
seq = result.StringData(1) + 1 ' Sequence for new configuration file

Set view = database.OpenView ("INSERT INTO Media (DiskId, LastSequence, Cabinet) VALUES ('2', '" & seq & "', 'config.cab')")

Set view = database.OpenView ("UPDATE File SET FileSize = " & size & ", Sequence = " & seq & " WHERE File = '" & LCase(FILE_REPLACE) & "'")

Ответ 5

Этот код был протестирован только в 1 файле, где имя было точно таким же, как и файл, который был заменен.

но он должен реализовать ответ Кристофера Мастера в С#, с DTF (из WIX)

 * this is a bastard class, as it is not really a part of building an installer package, 
 * however, we need to be able to modify a prebuild package, and add user specific files, post build, to save memory on server, and have a fast execution time.
 * \author Henrik Dalsager

//I'm using everything...
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Microsoft.Deployment.Compression.Cab;
using Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller;
using Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller.Package;

namespace MSIFileManipulator
 * \brief updates an existing MSI, I.E. add new files
class updateMSI
    //everything revolves around this package..
    InstallPackage pkg = null;

    //the destruction should close connection with the database, just in case we forgot..
        if (pkg != null)
            catch (Exception ex)

                //do nothing.. we just don't want to break anything if database was already closed, but not dereffered.

     * \brief compresses a list of files, in a workdir, to a cabinet file, in the same workdir.
     * \param workdir path to the workdir
     * \param filesToArchive a list of filenames, of the files to include in the cabinet file.
     * \return filename of the created cab file
    public string createCabinetFileForMSI(string workdir, List<string> filesToArchive)
        //create temporary cabinet file at this path:
        string GUID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
        string cabFile = GUID + ".cab";
        string cabFilePath = Path.Combine(workdir, cabFile);

        //create a instance of Microsoft.Deployment.Compression.Cab.CabInfo
        //which provides file-based operations on the cabinet file
        CabInfo cab = new CabInfo(cabFilePath);

        //create a list with files and add them to a cab file
        //now an argument, but previously this was used as test:
        //List<string> filesToArchive = new List<string>() { @"C:\file1", @"C:\file2" };
        cab.PackFiles(workdir, filesToArchive, filesToArchive);

        //we will ned the path for this file, when adding it to an msi..
        return cabFile;

     * \brief embeds a cabinet file into an MSI into the "stream" table, and adds it as a new media in the media table
     *  This does not install the files on a clients computer, if he runs the installer,
     *  as none of the files in the cabinet, is defined in the MSI File Table (that informs msiexec where to place mentioned files.)
     *  It simply allows cabinet files to piggypack within a package, so that they may be extracted again at clients computer.
     * \param pathToCabFile full absolute path to the cabinet file
     * \return media number of the new cabinet file wihtin the MSI
    public int insertCabFileAsNewMediaInMSI(string cabFilePath, int numberOfFilesInCabinet = -1)
        if (pkg == null)
            throw new Exception("Cannot insert cabinet file into non-existing MSI package. Please Supply a path to the MSI package");

        int numberOfFilesToAdd = numberOfFilesInCabinet;
        if (numberOfFilesInCabinet < 0)
            CabInfo cab = new CabInfo(cabFilePath);
            numberOfFilesToAdd = cab.GetFiles().Count;

        //create a cab file record as a stream (embeddable into an MSI)
        Record cabRec = new Record(1);
        cabRec.SetStream(1, cabFilePath);

        /*The Media table describes the set of disks that make up the source media for the installation.
          we want to add one, after all the others
          DiskId - Determines the sort order for the table. This number must be equal to or greater than 1,
          for out new cab file, it must be > than the existing ones...
        //the baby SQL service in the MSI does not support "ORDER BY `` DESC" but does support order by..
        IList<int> mediaIDs = pkg.ExecuteIntegerQuery("SELECT `DiskId` FROM `Media` ORDER BY `DiskId`");
        int lastIndex = mediaIDs.Count - 1;
        int DiskId = mediaIDs.ElementAt(lastIndex) + 1;

        //wix name conventions of embedded cab files is "#cab" + DiskId + ".cab"
        string mediaCabinet = "cab" + DiskId.ToString() + ".cab";

        //The _Streams table lists embedded OLE data streams.
        //This is a temporary table, created only when referenced by a SQL statement.
        string query = "INSERT INTO `_Streams` (`Name`, `Data`) VALUES ('" + mediaCabinet + "', ?)";
        pkg.Execute(query, cabRec);

        /*LastSequence - File sequence number for the last file for this new media.
          The numbers in the LastSequence column specify which of the files in the File table
          are found on a particular source disk.

          Each source disk contains all files with sequence numbers (as shown in the Sequence column of the File table)
          less than or equal to the value in the LastSequence column, and greater than the LastSequence value of the previous disk
          (or greater than 0, for the first entry in the Media table).
          This number must be non-negative; the maximum limit is 32767 files.
        IList<int> sequences = pkg.ExecuteIntegerQuery("SELECT `LastSequence` FROM `Media` ORDER BY `LastSequence`");
        lastIndex = sequences.Count - 1;
        int LastSequence = sequences.ElementAt(lastIndex) + numberOfFilesToAdd;

        query = "INSERT INTO `Media` (`DiskId`, `LastSequence`, `Cabinet`) VALUES (" + DiskId.ToString() + "," + LastSequence.ToString() + ",'#" + mediaCabinet + "')";

        return DiskId;


     * \brief embeds a cabinet file into an MSI into the "stream" table, and adds it as a new media in the media table
     *  This does not install the files on a clients computer, if he runs the installer,
     *  as none of the files in the cabinet, is defined in the MSI File Table (that informs msiexec where to place mentioned files.)
     *  It simply allows cabinet files to piggypack within a package, so that they may be extracted again at clients computer.
     * \param pathToCabFile full absolute path to the cabinet file
     * \param pathToMSIFile full absolute path to the msi file
     * \return media number of the new cabinet file wihtin the MSI
    public int insertCabFileAsNewMediaInMSI(string cabFilePath, string pathToMSIFile, int numberOfFilesInCabinet = -1)
        //open the MSI package for editing
        pkg = new InstallPackage(pathToMSIFile, DatabaseOpenMode.Direct); //have also tried direct, while database was corrupted when writing.
        return insertCabFileAsNewMediaInMSI(cabFilePath, numberOfFilesInCabinet);

     * \brief overloaded method, that embeds a cabinet file into an MSI into the "stream" table, and adds it as a new media in the media table
     *  This does not install the files on a clients computer, if he runs the installer,
     *  as none of the files in the cabinet, is defined in the MSI File Table (that informs msiexec where to place mentioned files.)
     *  It simply allows cabinet files to piggypack within a package, so that they may be extracted again at clients computer.
     * \param workdir absolute path to the cabinet files location
     * \param cabFile is the filename of the cabinet file
     * \param pathToMSIFile full absolute path to the msi file
     * \return media number of the new cabinet file wihtin the MSI
    public int insertCabFileAsNewMediaInMSI(string workdir, string cabFile, string pathToMSIFile, int numberOfFilesInCabinet = -1)
        string absPathToCabFile = Path.Combine(workdir, cabFile);
        string absPathToMSIFile = Path.Combine(workdir, pathToMSIFile);
        return insertCabFileAsNewMediaInMSI(absPathToCabFile, absPathToMSIFile, numberOfFilesInCabinet);

     * \brief reconfigures the MSI, so that a file pointer is "replaced" by a file pointer to another cabinets version of said file...
     * The original file will not be removed from the MSI, but simply orphaned (no component refers to it). It will not be installed, but will remain in the package.
     * \param OriginalFileName (this is the files target name at the clients computer after installation. It is our only way to locate the file in the file table. If two or more files have the same target name, we cannot reorient the pointer to that file!)
     * \param FileNameInCabinet (In case you did not have the excact same filename for the new file, as the original file, you can specify the name of the file, as it is known in the cabinet, here.)
     * \param DiskIdOfCabinetFile - Very important information. This is the Id of the new cabinet file, it is the only way to know where the new source data is within the MSI cabinet stream. This function extracts the data it needs from there, like sequence numbers
    public void PointAPreviouslyConfiguredComponentsFileToBeFetchedFromAnotherCabinet(string OriginalFileName, string FileNameInCabinet, string newFileSizeInBytes, int DiskIdOfCabinetFile)
        //retrieve the range of sequence numbers for this cabinet file. 
        string query = "SELECT `DiskId` FROM `Media` ORDER BY `LastSequence`";
        IList<int> medias = pkg.ExecuteIntegerQuery("SELECT `DiskId` FROM `Media` ORDER BY `LastSequence`");

        query = "SELECT `LastSequence` FROM `Media` ORDER BY `LastSequence`";
        IList<int> mediaLastSequences = pkg.ExecuteIntegerQuery("SELECT `LastSequence` FROM `Media` ORDER BY `LastSequence`");

        if(medias.Count != mediaLastSequences.Count)
            throw new Exception("there is something wrong with the Media Table, There is a different number of DiskId and LastSequence rows");

        if(medias.Count <= 0)
            throw new Exception("there is something wrong with the Media Table, There are no rows with medias available..");

        int FirstSequence = -1;
        int LastSequence = -1;
        int lastIndex = medias.Count - 1;

        for (int index = lastIndex; index >= 0; index--)
            int rowLastSequence = mediaLastSequences.ElementAt(index);
            int rowDiskId = medias.ElementAt(index);

            if (rowDiskId == DiskIdOfCabinetFile)
                LastSequence = rowLastSequence;
                if (index < lastIndex)
                    //the next cabinet files last sequence number + 1,  is this ones first..
                    FirstSequence = mediaLastSequences.ElementAt(index + 1) + 1;
                    //all files from the first, to this last sequence number, are found in this cabinet
                    FirstSequence = mediaLastSequences.ElementAt(lastIndex);

        //now we will look in the file table to get a vacant sequence number in the new cabinet (if available - first run will return empty, and thus default to FirstSequence)
        int Sequence = FirstSequence;
        query = "SELECT `Sequence` FROM `File` WHERE `Sequence` >= " + FirstSequence.ToString() + " AND `Sequence` <= " + LastSequence.ToString() + " ORDER BY `Sequence`";

        IList<int> SequencesInRange = pkg.ExecuteIntegerQuery(query);
        for (int index = 0; index < SequencesInRange.Count; index++)
            if (FirstSequence + index != SequencesInRange.ElementAt(index))
                Sequence = FirstSequence + index;

        //now we set this in the file table, to re-point this file to the new media..
        //File.FileName = FileNameInCabinet;
        //File.FileSize = newFileSizeInBytes;
        //File.Sequence = sequence;
        query = "UPDATE `File` SET `File`.`FileName`='" + FileNameInCabinet + "' WHERE `File`='" + OriginalFileName + "'";
        query = "UPDATE `File` SET `File`.`FileSize`=" + newFileSizeInBytes + " WHERE `File`='" + OriginalFileName + "'";
        query = "UPDATE `File` SET `File`.`Sequence`=" + Sequence.ToString() + " WHERE `File`='" + OriginalFileName + "'";

использование демонстрации:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace MSIFileManipulator
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        string workdir = @"C:\Users\Me\MyDevFolder\tests";
        string msiFile = "replace_test_copy.msi";
        string fileName = "REPLACE_THIS_IMAGE.png";

        List<string> filesToInclude = new List<string>();
        System.IO.FileInfo fileInfo = new System.IO.FileInfo(System.IO.Path.Combine(workdir, fileName));
        if (fileInfo.Exists)
            Console.WriteLine("now adding: " + fileName + " to cabinet");

            updateMSI myMSI = new updateMSI();
            string cabfileName = myMSI.createCabinetFileForMSI(workdir, filesToInclude);
            Console.WriteLine("cabinet file saved as: " + cabfileName);

            int diskID = myMSI.insertCabFileAsNewMediaInMSI(workdir, cabfileName, msiFile);
            Console.WriteLine("new media added with disk ID: " + diskID.ToString());
            myMSI.PointAPreviouslyConfiguredComponentsFileToBeFetchedFromAnotherCabinet(fileName, fileName, fileInfo.Length.ToString(), diskID);

            Console.WriteLine("Could not locate the replacement file:" + fileName);
        Console.WriteLine("press any key to exit");

Я знаю, что мой тест не очищается после него сам.

Ответ 6

Самый простой способ сделать это - переупаковать MSI:

  • Откройте файл MSI в Wise для установщика Windows. Выберите вариант для извлечения файлов.
  • Найдите файл на диске и замените его.
  • Сборка MSI.

Эти шаги также должны работать для InstallShield.