Подтвердить что ты не робот

Как читать сообщения и передавать параметры в файл message.properties в JSF 2.0

Предположим, что у меня есть файл messages.properties, например

windowTitle=Accessing Form Elements with JavaScript
confirmPasswordPrompt=Confirm Password:

У меня есть запись для этого в моих лицах - config.xml, вроде этого

<faces-config version="2.0"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-facesconfig_2_0.xsd">



На моей странице xhtml я могу получить к ней доступ, как это

<h:panelGrid columns="2" columnClasses="evenColumns, oddColumns">
    <h:inputSecret id="password"/>
    <h:inputSecret id="passwordConfirm"/>

Но как я могу прочитать этот файл с Java. Например, предположим, что я должен напечатать такое сообщение, или запросить пользователя, как Имя должно быть введено

System.out.println(msgs.namePrompt + "must be entered")

Как я могу прочитать значение msgs.namePrompt из моего java-кода.

Также предположим, что у меня есть запись в моем файле сообщения, подобном этому

sure=Are you sure, you want to delete the <Field>?
remove=Are you sure you want to remove the<Field> and <Field>?
close=Are you sure you want to mark the <Field> as Closed?
created=<Field> is successfully created
updated=<Field> is successfully updated

Есть ли какой-либо метод, который я могу передать параметру в файл messages.properties. Как я хочу сделать что-то подобное в моем java-коде

System.out.println(msgs.sure("Name"));   //<Field> is replace with Name
System.out.println(msgs.remove("Age", "Gender"));  //  First Field replace by Age, and second is replace by Gender



Ответ 1

Параметрированные строки ресурсов в грантах:

Как описано в этом учебнике, вы можете использовать h:outputFormat и f:param для замены ваших параметров в строке набора ресурсов:

<h:outputFormat value="#{msg['message.param1']}">
   <f:param value="param0" />
<h:outputFormat value="#{msg['message.param2']}">
   <f:param value="param0" />
   <f:param value="param1" />

//properties file
message.param1 = This is "message.param1" - {0}
message.param2 = This is "message.param2" - {0} and {1}

В Java вы можете получить доступ к файлу свойств следующим образом:

import java.util.ResourceBundle;
ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("pk.mazars.basitMahmood.messages");

Параметрированные свойства могут обрабатываться с помощью класса javax.text.MessageFormat:

MessageFormat.format(rb.getString(key), params);

Если вы работаете с разными локалями и параметризованными и непараметрированными свойствами, вы можете использовать короткий вспомогательный метод, например:

public static String getMessageResourceString(String bundleName, String key, Object params[], Locale locale) {

        String text;
        ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(bundleName, locale);

        try {
            text = bundle.getString(key);
        } catch (MissingResourceException e) {
            text = "?? key " + key + " not found ??";

        if (params != null) {
            MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat(text, locale);
            text = mf.format(params, new StringBuffer(), null).toString();

        return text;

Ответ 2

Спасибо Matt Handy:). Здесь я отправляю свой ответ. Я также использовал метод, который является таким же, как ваш, но с добавлением описания (комментария). Вот мой код, который я использую. Это полный пример, который каждый может использовать:)

файл messages.properties

windowTitle=Accessing Form Elements with JavaScript
confirmPasswordPrompt=Confirm Password:
message.param1 = This is "message.param1" - {0}
message.param2 = This is "message.param2" - {0} and {1}

файл faces-config.xml


файл index.xhtml



        <h:panelGrid columns="2" columnClasses="evenColumns, oddColumns">
            <h:inputText id="name" value="#{readMessages.name}" />
            <h:inputSecret id="password" value="#{readMessages.password}"/>
            <h:inputSecret id="passwordConfirm"/>


        <!--A normal way to access the message.

                <h:outputText value="{msg.message}" />

                //properties file
                message = This is "message"

            For a key that has a dot "." as name, you can’t use the normal way {msg.message.test1}, it
            will not work. Instead, you should use bracket like {msg['message.test1']}.

                <h:outputText value="{msg['message.test1']}" />

                //properties file
                message.test1 = This is "message.test1"

            To display HTML tag in the message, just add the "escape" attribute and set it to false.

                <h:outputText value="{msg['message.test2']}" />
                <h:outputText value="{msg['message.test2']}" escape="false" />
                <h:outputText value="{msg['message.test3']}" />
                <h:outputText value="{msg['message.test3']}" escape="false" />

                //properties file
                message.test2 = This is "<h2>message.test3</h2>"
                message.test3 = This is "&lt;h2&gt;message.test4&lt;/h2&gt;"

        <h:outputFormat value="#{msgs['message.param1']}">
            <f:param value="param0" />

        <h:outputFormat value="#{msgs['message.param2']}">
            <f:param value="param0" />
            <f:param value="param1" />

        <h:commandButton  type="button" value="Submit Form" 



java файл

public class ReadMessages {

    private String name;
    private String password;

    /** Creates a new instance of ReadMessages */
    public ReadMessages() {

        String[] message1 = {"Basit", "Masood"};

        //FacesMessage message = getMessage(
               // "pk.mazars.basitMahmood.messages", "message.param2", new Object[]{new String("arg1")});

        String message = getMessage(
                "pk.mazars.basitMahmood.messages", "message.param2", message1);


    } // end of constructor

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public String getPassword() {
        return password;

     * For proper localization, you will want to retrieve error messages from a message bundle.
     * Doing that involves some busywork with locales and class Loader.
     * @param bundleName
     * @param resourceId
     * @param params
     * @return
    public static String getMessage(String bundleName, String resourceId, Object[] params) {

         * Get the current locale.
         *     FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
         *     UIViewRoot viewRoot = context.getViewRoot();
         *     Locale locale = viewRoot.getLocale();
        FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();

         * Recall that an application can supply a bundle name in a configuration file,
         * such as
         *     <faces-config>
         *         <application>
         *             <message-bundle>pk.mazars.basitMahmood.messages</message-bundle>
         *         </application>
         *         ...
         *     </faces-config>
         * The following code snippet retrieves that bundle name:
         *     Application app = context.getApplication();
         *     String appBundleName = app.getResourceBundle();
        Application app = context.getApplication();
        String appBundle = app.getMessageBundle();

        //get Locale
        Locale locale = getLocale(context);

         * Get the current class loader.  You need it to locate the resource bundle
         *     ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
        ClassLoader loader = getClassLoader();

         * Get the resource bundle with the given name, locale and class loader
         *     ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(bundleName, locale, loader);
        String summary = getString(appBundle, bundleName, resourceId, locale, loader, params);

        if (summary != null) {

            //summary = "????" + resourceId + "????";
            return summary ;


        String detail = getString(appBundle, bundleName, resourceId + "detail", locale, loader, params);
        return detail;
        //return new FacesMessage(summary, detail);

    } //end of getMessage()

    public static String getString(String bundle, String resourceId, Object[] params) {

        FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        Application app = context.getApplication();
        String appBundle = app.getMessageBundle();
        Locale locale = getLocale(context);
        ClassLoader loader = getClassLoader();
        return getString(appBundle, bundle, resourceId, locale, loader, params);

    } //end of getString()

    public static Locale getLocale(FacesContext context) {

        Locale locale = null;
        UIViewRoot viewRoot = context.getViewRoot();

        if (viewRoot != null) {

            locale = viewRoot.getLocale();

        } //end of if (viewRoot != null)

        if (locale == null) {

            locale = Locale.getDefault();

        } //end of if (locale == null)

        return locale;

    } //end of getLocale()

    public static ClassLoader getClassLoader() {

         * The Java ClassLoader is a crucial, but often overlooked, component of the Java run-time system.
         * It is the class responsible for finding and loading class files at run time.
         * Among commercially popular programming languages, the Java language distinguishes itself by
         * running on a Java virtual machine (JVM). This means that compiled programs are expressed in
         * a special, platform-independent format, rather than in the format of the machine they are
         * running on. This format differs from traditional executable program formats in a number of
         * important ways.
         * In particular, a Java program, unlike one written in C or C++, isn't a single executable file,
         * but instead is composed of many individual class files, each of which corresponds to a single
         * Java class.
         * Additionally, these class files are not loaded into memory all at once, but rather are loaded
         * on demand, as needed by the program. The ClassLoader is the part of the JVM that loads
         * classes into memory.
        ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();

        if (loader == null) {

             * Whether you override findClass or loadClass, getSystemClassLoader gives you direct
             * access to the system ClassLoader in the form of an actual ClassLoader object (instead
             * of accessing it implicitly through the findSystemClass call).
            loader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();

        } //end of if (loader == null)

        return loader;

    } //end of getClassLoader()

    public static String getString(String bundle1, String bundle2, String resourceId,
        Locale locale, ClassLoader loader, Object[] params) {

        String resource = null;
        ResourceBundle bundle;

        if (bundle1 != null) {

            bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(bundle1, locale, loader);

            if (bundle != null) {

                try {

                     * Get the resource string with the given ID from the bundle.
                     *     String resource = bundle.getString(resourceId);
                    resource = bundle.getString(resourceId);

                } catch (MissingResourceException e) {

            } //end of if (bundle != null)

        } //end of if (bundle1 != null)

        if (resource == null) {

            bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(bundle2, locale, loader);

            if (bundle != null) {

                try {

                     * Get the resource string with the given ID from the bundle.
                     *     String resource = bundle.getString(resourceId);
                    resource = bundle.getString(resourceId);

                } catch (MissingResourceException e) {

            } //end of if (bundle != null)

        } //end of if (resource == null)

        if (resource == null) {

            return null;  // no match


        if (params == null) {

            return resource;


         * Finally, you may want some messages to provide detailed information about the
         * nature of the error. For example, you want to tell the user which character
         * in the credit card number was objectionable. Message strings can contain
         * place-holders {0}, {1} and so on - for exanple
         *     The card number contains the invalid character {0}.
         * The java.text.MessageFormat class can substitute values for the placeholders:
         *     Object[] params = ...;
         *     MessageFormat formatter = new MessageFormat(resource, locale);
         *     String message = formatter.format(params);
         * Here, the params array contains the values that should be substituted.
        MessageFormat formatter = new MessageFormat(resource, locale);
        return formatter.format(params);

    } //end of getString()

} //end of class ReadMessages