Подтвердить что ты не робот

Шифрование и расшифровка PGP

Я действительно борюсь с этим, мне нужно зашифровать и расшифровать строку, используя BouncyCastle в С#. Я действительно попытался сделать это сам. Мне удалось создать свои собственные ключи (частные и общедоступные).

Пожалуйста, имейте в виду, что я недавно вышел из колледжа.


Ответ 1

Мне потребовалось некоторое время, чтобы найти достойный пример использования надувного замка для PGP. Это то, что я использую в производстве. Я уверен, что он возник из здесь.

using System;
using System.IO;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Bcpg;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Bcpg.OpenPgp;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Security;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities.IO;

namespace FileEncryptionTasks.Helpers.PGP
    public static class PGPEncryptDecrypt
        private const int BufferSize = 0x10000; // should always be power of 2

        #region Encrypt

         * Encrypt the file.

        public static void EncryptFile(string inputFile, string outputFile, string publicKeyFile, bool armor, bool withIntegrityCheck)
                using (Stream publicKeyStream = File.OpenRead(publicKeyFile))
                    PgpPublicKey encKey = ReadPublicKey(publicKeyStream);

                    using (MemoryStream bOut = new MemoryStream())
                        PgpCompressedDataGenerator comData = new PgpCompressedDataGenerator(CompressionAlgorithmTag.Zip);
                        PgpUtilities.WriteFileToLiteralData(comData.Open(bOut), PgpLiteralData.Binary, new FileInfo(inputFile));

                        PgpEncryptedDataGenerator cPk = new PgpEncryptedDataGenerator(SymmetricKeyAlgorithmTag.Cast5, withIntegrityCheck, new SecureRandom());

                        byte[] bytes = bOut.ToArray();

                        using (Stream outputStream = File.Create(outputFile))
                            if (armor)
                                using (ArmoredOutputStream armoredStream = new ArmoredOutputStream(outputStream))
                                    using (Stream cOut = cPk.Open(armoredStream, bytes.Length))
                                        cOut.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
                                using (Stream cOut = cPk.Open(outputStream, bytes.Length))
                                    cOut.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
            catch (PgpException e)

        #endregion Encrypt

        #region Encrypt and Sign

         * Encrypt and sign the file pointed to by unencryptedFileInfo and

        public static void EncryptAndSign(string inputFile, string outputFile, string publicKeyFile, string privateKeyFile, string passPhrase, bool armor)
            PgpEncryptionKeys encryptionKeys = new PgpEncryptionKeys(publicKeyFile, privateKeyFile, passPhrase);

            if (!File.Exists(inputFile))
                throw new FileNotFoundException(String.Format("Input file [{0}] does not exist.", inputFile));

            if (!File.Exists(publicKeyFile))
                throw new FileNotFoundException(String.Format("Public Key file [{0}] does not exist.", publicKeyFile));

            if (!File.Exists(privateKeyFile))
                throw new FileNotFoundException(String.Format("Private Key file [{0}] does not exist.", privateKeyFile));

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(passPhrase))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Invalid Pass Phrase.");

            if (encryptionKeys == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Encryption Key not found.");

            using (Stream outputStream = File.Create(outputFile))
                if (armor)
                    using (ArmoredOutputStream armoredOutputStream = new ArmoredOutputStream(outputStream))
                        OutputEncrypted(inputFile, armoredOutputStream, encryptionKeys);
                    OutputEncrypted(inputFile, outputStream, encryptionKeys);

        private static void OutputEncrypted(string inputFile, Stream outputStream, PgpEncryptionKeys encryptionKeys)
            using (Stream encryptedOut = ChainEncryptedOut(outputStream, encryptionKeys))
                FileInfo unencryptedFileInfo = new FileInfo(inputFile);
                using (Stream compressedOut = ChainCompressedOut(encryptedOut))
                    PgpSignatureGenerator signatureGenerator = InitSignatureGenerator(compressedOut, encryptionKeys);
                    using (Stream literalOut = ChainLiteralOut(compressedOut, unencryptedFileInfo))
                        using (FileStream inputFileStream = unencryptedFileInfo.OpenRead())
                            WriteOutputAndSign(compressedOut, literalOut, inputFileStream, signatureGenerator);

        private static void WriteOutputAndSign(Stream compressedOut, Stream literalOut, FileStream inputFile, PgpSignatureGenerator signatureGenerator)
            int length = 0;
            byte[] buf = new byte[BufferSize];
            while ((length = inputFile.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length)) > 0)
                literalOut.Write(buf, 0, length);
                signatureGenerator.Update(buf, 0, length);

        private static Stream ChainEncryptedOut(Stream outputStream, PgpEncryptionKeys m_encryptionKeys)
            PgpEncryptedDataGenerator encryptedDataGenerator;
            encryptedDataGenerator = new PgpEncryptedDataGenerator(SymmetricKeyAlgorithmTag.TripleDes, new SecureRandom());
            return encryptedDataGenerator.Open(outputStream, new byte[BufferSize]);

        private static Stream ChainCompressedOut(Stream encryptedOut)
            PgpCompressedDataGenerator compressedDataGenerator = new PgpCompressedDataGenerator(CompressionAlgorithmTag.Zip);
            return compressedDataGenerator.Open(encryptedOut);

        private static Stream ChainLiteralOut(Stream compressedOut, FileInfo file)
            PgpLiteralDataGenerator pgpLiteralDataGenerator = new PgpLiteralDataGenerator();
            return pgpLiteralDataGenerator.Open(compressedOut, PgpLiteralData.Binary, file);

        private static PgpSignatureGenerator InitSignatureGenerator(Stream compressedOut, PgpEncryptionKeys m_encryptionKeys)
            const bool IsCritical = false;
            const bool IsNested = false;
            PublicKeyAlgorithmTag tag = m_encryptionKeys.SecretKey.PublicKey.Algorithm;
            PgpSignatureGenerator pgpSignatureGenerator = new PgpSignatureGenerator(tag, HashAlgorithmTag.Sha1);
            pgpSignatureGenerator.InitSign(PgpSignature.BinaryDocument, m_encryptionKeys.PrivateKey);
            foreach (string userId in m_encryptionKeys.SecretKey.PublicKey.GetUserIds())
                PgpSignatureSubpacketGenerator subPacketGenerator = new PgpSignatureSubpacketGenerator();
                subPacketGenerator.SetSignerUserId(IsCritical, userId);
                // Just the first one!
            return pgpSignatureGenerator;

        #endregion Encrypt and Sign

        #region Decrypt

       * decrypt a given stream.

        public static void Decrypt(string inputfile, string privateKeyFile, string passPhrase, string outputFile)
            if (!File.Exists(inputfile))
                throw new FileNotFoundException(String.Format("Encrypted File [{0}] not found.", inputfile));

            if (!File.Exists(privateKeyFile))
                throw new FileNotFoundException(String.Format("Private Key File [{0}] not found.", privateKeyFile));

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(outputFile))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Invalid Output file path.");

            using (Stream inputStream = File.OpenRead(inputfile))
                using (Stream keyIn = File.OpenRead(privateKeyFile))
                    Decrypt(inputStream, keyIn, passPhrase, outputFile);

        * decrypt a given stream.

        public static void Decrypt(Stream inputStream, Stream privateKeyStream, string passPhrase, string outputFile)
                PgpObjectFactory pgpF = null;
                PgpEncryptedDataList enc = null;
                PgpObject o = null;
                PgpPrivateKey sKey = null;
                PgpPublicKeyEncryptedData pbe = null;
                PgpSecretKeyRingBundle pgpSec = null;

                pgpF = new PgpObjectFactory(PgpUtilities.GetDecoderStream(inputStream));
                // find secret key
                pgpSec = new PgpSecretKeyRingBundle(PgpUtilities.GetDecoderStream(privateKeyStream));

                if (pgpF != null)
                    o = pgpF.NextPgpObject();

                // the first object might be a PGP marker packet.
                if (o is PgpEncryptedDataList)
                    enc = (PgpEncryptedDataList)o;
                    enc = (PgpEncryptedDataList)pgpF.NextPgpObject();

                // decrypt
                foreach (PgpPublicKeyEncryptedData pked in enc.GetEncryptedDataObjects())
                    sKey = FindSecretKey(pgpSec, pked.KeyId, passPhrase.ToCharArray());

                    if (sKey != null)
                        pbe = pked;

                if (sKey == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Secret key for message not found.");

                PgpObjectFactory plainFact = null;

                using (Stream clear = pbe.GetDataStream(sKey))
                    plainFact = new PgpObjectFactory(clear);

                PgpObject message = plainFact.NextPgpObject();

                if (message is PgpCompressedData)
                    PgpCompressedData cData = (PgpCompressedData)message;
                    PgpObjectFactory of = null;

                    using (Stream compDataIn = cData.GetDataStream())
                        of = new PgpObjectFactory(compDataIn);

                    message = of.NextPgpObject();
                    if (message is PgpOnePassSignatureList)
                        message = of.NextPgpObject();
                        PgpLiteralData Ld = null;
                        Ld = (PgpLiteralData)message;
                        using (Stream output = File.Create(outputFile))
                            Stream unc = Ld.GetInputStream();
                            Streams.PipeAll(unc, output);
                        PgpLiteralData Ld = null;
                        Ld = (PgpLiteralData)message;
                        using (Stream output = File.Create(outputFile))
                            Stream unc = Ld.GetInputStream();
                            Streams.PipeAll(unc, output);
                else if (message is PgpLiteralData)
                    PgpLiteralData ld = (PgpLiteralData)message;
                    string outFileName = ld.FileName;

                    using (Stream fOut = File.Create(outputFile))
                        Stream unc = ld.GetInputStream();
                        Streams.PipeAll(unc, fOut);
                else if (message is PgpOnePassSignatureList)
                    throw new PgpException("Encrypted message contains a signed message - not literal data.");
                    throw new PgpException("Message is not a simple encrypted file - type unknown.");

                #region commented code

                //if (pbe.IsIntegrityProtected())
                //    if (!pbe.Verify())
                //        msg = "message failed integrity check.";
                //    //Console.Error.WriteLine("message failed integrity check");
                //    else
                //        msg = "message integrity check passed.";
                //    //Console.Error.WriteLine("message integrity check passed");
                //    msg = "no message integrity check.";
                //    //Console.Error.WriteLine("no message integrity check");

                #endregion commented code
            catch (PgpException ex)

        #endregion Decrypt

        #region Private helpers

        * A simple routine that opens a key ring file and loads the first available key suitable for encryption.

        private static PgpPublicKey ReadPublicKey(Stream inputStream)
            inputStream = PgpUtilities.GetDecoderStream(inputStream);

            PgpPublicKeyRingBundle pgpPub = new PgpPublicKeyRingBundle(inputStream);

            // we just loop through the collection till we find a key suitable for encryption, in the real
            // world you would probably want to be a bit smarter about this.
            // iterate through the key rings.
            foreach (PgpPublicKeyRing kRing in pgpPub.GetKeyRings())
                foreach (PgpPublicKey k in kRing.GetPublicKeys())
                    if (k.IsEncryptionKey)
                        return k;

            throw new ArgumentException("Can't find encryption key in key ring.");

        * Search a secret key ring collection for a secret key corresponding to keyId if it exists.

        private static PgpPrivateKey FindSecretKey(PgpSecretKeyRingBundle pgpSec, long keyId, char[] pass)
            PgpSecretKey pgpSecKey = pgpSec.GetSecretKey(keyId);

            if (pgpSecKey == null)
                return null;

            return pgpSecKey.ExtractPrivateKey(pass);

        #endregion Private helpers

И он использует:

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Bcpg.OpenPgp;

namespace FileEncryptionTasks.Helpers.PGP
    public class PgpEncryptionKeys
        public PgpPublicKey PublicKey { get; private set; }

        public PgpPrivateKey PrivateKey { get; private set; }

        public PgpSecretKey SecretKey { get; private set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the EncryptionKeys class.
        /// Two keys are required to encrypt and sign data. Your private key and the recipients public key.
        /// The data is encrypted with the recipients public key and signed with your private key.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="publicKeyPath">The key used to encrypt the data</param>
        /// <param name="privateKeyPath">The key used to sign the data.</param>
        /// <param name="passPhrase">The (your) password required to access the private key</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Public key not found. Private key not found. Missing password</exception>
        public PgpEncryptionKeys(string publicKeyPath, string privateKeyPath, string passPhrase)
            if (!File.Exists(publicKeyPath))
                throw new ArgumentException("Public key file not found", "publicKeyPath");
            if (!File.Exists(privateKeyPath))
                throw new ArgumentException("Private key file not found", "privateKeyPath");
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(passPhrase))
                throw new ArgumentException("passPhrase is null or empty.", "passPhrase");
            PublicKey = ReadPublicKey(publicKeyPath);
            SecretKey = ReadSecretKey(privateKeyPath);
            PrivateKey = ReadPrivateKey(passPhrase);

        #region Secret Key

        private PgpSecretKey ReadSecretKey(string privateKeyPath)
            using (Stream keyIn = File.OpenRead(privateKeyPath))
                using (Stream inputStream = PgpUtilities.GetDecoderStream(keyIn))
                    PgpSecretKeyRingBundle secretKeyRingBundle = new PgpSecretKeyRingBundle(inputStream);
                    PgpSecretKey foundKey = GetFirstSecretKey(secretKeyRingBundle);
                    if (foundKey != null)
                        return foundKey;
            throw new ArgumentException("Can't find signing key in key ring.");

        /// <summary>
        /// Return the first key we can use to encrypt.
        /// Note: A file can contain multiple keys (stored in "key rings")
        /// </summary>
        private PgpSecretKey GetFirstSecretKey(PgpSecretKeyRingBundle secretKeyRingBundle)
            foreach (PgpSecretKeyRing kRing in secretKeyRingBundle.GetKeyRings())
                PgpSecretKey key = kRing.GetSecretKeys()
                    .Where(k => k.IsSigningKey)
                if (key != null)
                    return key;
            return null;

        #endregion Secret Key

        #region Public Key

        private PgpPublicKey ReadPublicKey(string publicKeyPath)
            using (Stream keyIn = File.OpenRead(publicKeyPath))
                using (Stream inputStream = PgpUtilities.GetDecoderStream(keyIn))
                    PgpPublicKeyRingBundle publicKeyRingBundle = new PgpPublicKeyRingBundle(inputStream);
                    PgpPublicKey foundKey = GetFirstPublicKey(publicKeyRingBundle);
                    if (foundKey != null)
                        return foundKey;
            throw new ArgumentException("No encryption key found in public key ring.");

        private PgpPublicKey GetFirstPublicKey(PgpPublicKeyRingBundle publicKeyRingBundle)
            foreach (PgpPublicKeyRing kRing in publicKeyRingBundle.GetKeyRings())
                PgpPublicKey key = kRing.GetPublicKeys()
                    .Where(k => k.IsEncryptionKey)
                if (key != null)
                    return key;
            return null;

        #endregion Public Key

        #region Private Key

        private PgpPrivateKey ReadPrivateKey(string passPhrase)
            PgpPrivateKey privateKey = SecretKey.ExtractPrivateKey(passPhrase.ToCharArray());
            if (privateKey != null)
                return privateKey;
            throw new ArgumentException("No private key found in secret key.");

        #endregion Private Key

Зашифровать файл:


Расшифровать файл:
