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Oracle SQL Analytic query - рекурсивный рабочий стол

У меня есть следующие данные, состоящие из значения A, упорядоченного по MM (месяц).

Столбец B вычисляется как GREATEST(current value of A + previous value of B, 0) по типу таблицы.

Как я могу вычислить B с помощью SQL Query?

  • Я пытался использовать аналитические функции, но мне не удалось добиться успеха.
  • Я знаю, что существует Model Clause; Я нашел аналогичный пример, но я не знаю, с чего начать.

Я использую Oracle 10g, поэтому я не могу использовать рекурсивные запросы.

Вот мои тестовые данные:

MM         | A      | B
2012-01-01 |    800 |  800
2012-02-01 |   1900 | 2700
2012-03-01 |   1750 | 4450
2012-04-01 | -20000 |    0
2012-05-01 |    900 |  900
2012-06-01 |   3900 | 4800
2012-07-01 |  -2600 | 2200
2012-08-01 |  -2600 |    0
2012-09-01 |   2100 | 2100
2012-10-01 |  -2400 |    0
2012-11-01 |   1100 | 1100
2012-12-01 |   1300 | 2400

И вот "определение таблицы":

select t.* from (
  select date'2012-01-01' as mm, 800 as a from dual union all
  select date'2012-02-01' as mm, 1900 as a from dual union all
  select date'2012-03-01' as mm, 1750 as a from dual union all
  select date'2012-04-01' as mm, -20000 as a from dual union all
  select date'2012-05-01' as mm, 900 as a from dual union all
  select date'2012-06-01' as mm, 3900 as a from dual union all
  select date'2012-07-01' as mm, -2600 as a from dual union all
  select date'2012-08-01' as mm, -2600 as a from dual union all
  select date'2012-09-01' as mm, 2100 as a from dual union all
  select date'2012-10-01' as mm, -2400 as a from dual union all
  select date'2012-11-01' as mm, 1100 as a from dual union all
  select date'2012-12-01' as mm, 1300 as a from dual
) t;

Ответ 1

Итак, давайте развяжем предложение MODEL (устройство, тайна которого превышено его мощностью) по этой проблеме:

with data as (
  select date'2012-01-01' as mm,    800 as a from dual union all
  select date'2012-02-01' as mm,   1900 as a from dual union all
  select date'2012-03-01' as mm,   1750 as a from dual union all
  select date'2012-04-01' as mm, -20000 as a from dual union all
  select date'2012-05-01' as mm,    900 as a from dual union all
  select date'2012-06-01' as mm,   3900 as a from dual union all
  select date'2012-07-01' as mm,  -2600 as a from dual union all
  select date'2012-08-01' as mm,  -2600 as a from dual union all
  select date'2012-09-01' as mm,   2100 as a from dual union all
  select date'2012-10-01' as mm,  -2400 as a from dual union all
  select date'2012-11-01' as mm,   1100 as a from dual union all
  select date'2012-12-01' as mm,   1300 as a from dual
select mm, a, b
from (
  -- Add a dummy value for b, making it available to the MODEL clause
  select mm, a, 0 b
  from data
      -- Generate a ROW_NUMBER() dimension, in order to access rows by RN
model dimension by (row_number() over (order by mm) rn)
      -- Spreadsheet values / measures involved in calculations are mm, a, b
      measures (mm, a, b)
      -- A single rule will do. Any value of B should be calculated according to
      -- GREATEST([previous value of B] + [current value of A], 0)
      rules (
        b[any] = greatest(nvl(b[cv(rn) - 1], 0) + a[cv(rn)], 0)

Вышеизложенное дает:

MM              A     B
01.01.2012    800   800
01.02.2012   1900  2700
01.03.2012   1750  4450
01.04.2012 -20000     0
01.05.2012    900   900
01.06.2012   3900  4800
01.07.2012  -2600  2200
01.08.2012  -2600     0
01.09.2012   2100  2100
01.10.2012  -2400     0
01.11.2012   1100  1100
01.12.2012   1300  2400

Ответ 2

Я придумал пользовательскую агрегатную функцию

create or replace type tsum1 as object
  total number,

  static function ODCIAggregateInitialize(nctx IN OUT tsum1 )
       return number,

  member function ODCIAggregateIterate(self IN OUT tsum1 ,
                                       value IN number )
       return number,

  member function ODCIAggregateTerminate(self IN tsum1,
                              retVal OUT  number,
                              flags IN number)
       return number,

  member function ODCIAggregateMerge(self IN OUT tsum1,
                          ctx2 IN tsum1)
       return number

create or replace type body tsum1

 static function ODCIAggregateInitialize(nctx IN OUT tsum1)
 return number
   nctx := tsum1(0);
   return ODCIConst.Success;

 member function ODCIAggregateIterate(self IN OUT tsum1,
                                    value IN number )
 return number
   self.total := self.total + value;
     if (self.total < 0) then
       self.total := 0;
     end if;
   return ODCIConst.Success;

 member function ODCIAggregateTerminate(self IN tsum1,
                                        retVal OUT number,
                                        flags IN number)
 return number
   retVal := self.total;
   return ODCIConst.Success;

 member function ODCIAggregateMerge(self IN OUT tsum1,
                                    ctx2 IN tsum1)
 return number
   self.total := self.total + ctx2.total;
   return ODCIConst.Success;

RETURN number

Вот запрос

with T1 as(
   select date'2012-01-01' as mm, 800 as a from dual union all
   select date'2012-02-01' as mm, 1900 as a from dual union all
   select date'2012-03-01' as mm, 1750 as a from dual union all
   select date'2012-04-01' as mm, -20000 as a from dual union all
   select date'2012-05-01' as mm, 900 as a from dual union all
   select date'2012-06-01' as mm, 3900 as a from dual union all
   select date'2012-07-01' as mm, -2600 as a from dual union all
   select date'2012-08-01' as mm, -2600 as a from dual union all
   select date'2012-09-01' as mm, 2100 as a from dual union all
   select date'2012-10-01' as mm, -2400 as a from dual union all
   select date'2012-11-01' as mm, 1100 as a from dual union all
   select date'2012-12-01' as mm, 1300 as a from dual

 select mm
      , a
      , sum1(a) over(order by mm) as b
  from t1

    Mm         a      b
 01.01.2012    800    800  
 01.02.2012    1900   2700  
 01.03.2012    1750   4450  
 01.04.2012   -20000  0  
 01.05.2012    900    900  
 01.06.2012    3900   4800  
 01.07.2012   -2600   2200  
 01.08.2012   -2600   0  
 01.09.2012    2100   2100  
 01.10.2012   -2400   0  
 01.11.2012    1100   1100  
 01.12.2012    1300   2400

Ответ 3

with sample_data as (
  select date'2012-01-01' as mm, 800 as a from dual union all
  select date'2012-02-01' as mm, 1900 as a from dual union all
  select date'2012-03-01' as mm, 1750 as a from dual union all
  select date'2012-04-01' as mm, -20000 as a from dual union all
  select date'2012-05-01' as mm, 900 as a from dual union all
  select date'2012-06-01' as mm, 3900 as a from dual union all
  select date'2012-07-01' as mm, -2600 as a from dual union all
  select date'2012-08-01' as mm, -2600 as a from dual union all
  select date'2012-09-01' as mm, 2100 as a from dual union all
  select date'2012-10-01' as mm, -2400 as a from dual union all
  select date'2012-11-01' as mm, 1100 as a from dual union all
  select date'2012-12-01' as mm, 1300 as a from dual
select mm, 
       greatest(nvl(a,0) + lag(a,1,0) over (order by mm), 0) as b
from sample_data;

Однако не создает эту строку:

2012-05-01 |    900 |  900

потому что он вычисляет 900-20000 в этой строке, а ноль больше, чем результат этого. Вы можете "исправить" это, если вы используете функцию abs, чтобы избавиться от отрицательного значения в вычислении.

Ответ 4

Извините, если это не соответствует теме, учитывая версию Oracle версии, но теперь мы можем использовать предложение SQL: 2016 MATCH_RECOGNIZE:

select * from t
  order by mm
  measures case classifier() when 'POS' then sum(a) else 0 end as b
  all rows per match
  pattern (pos* neg{0,1})
  define pos as sum(a) > 0