Подтвердить что ты не робот

Диаграмма Js меняет ориентацию текстовой метки на оси Ox

Я использую libraryJS library - http://www.chartjs.org/

Если текстовая метка слишком большая, диаграмма отображает текст под углом 45 градусов Скажите, пожалуйста, как я могу изменить поворот текста на 30 градусов, например.

Обратите внимание на следующее:

    var data = {   labels:['Large Text Very Large','Text1','Text2'],
                 datasets:[ { label:'DS1',
                              highlightStroke: 'rgba(228,218,86,1)', data:[0,1,0]

    var options = {
        animation: false

    //Get the context of the canvas element we want to select
    var c = $('#myChart');
    var ct = c.get(0).getContext('2d');
    var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart").getContext("2d");
    myNewChart = new Chart(ct).Bar(data, options);

Также на jsfiddle:




Ответ 1

Вам нужно будет расширить класс шкалы и переопределить метод calculateXLabelRotation, чтобы использовать введенный пользователем поворот, а не пытаться самостоятельно его выполнить. Если вы это сделаете, вам потребуется расширить планку или линейную диаграмму и переопределить метод init, чтобы использовать этот класс шкалы. (или вы можете внести эти изменения непосредственно в классы шкалы, бара и линии, а затем не нужно переопределять).

поэтому сначала расширьте класс масштабирования и сделайте его использующим опцию, определяемую пользователем

var helpers = Chart.helpers;
Chart.MyScale = Chart.Scale.extend({
    calculateXLabelRotation: function() {
        //Get the width of each grid by calculating the difference
        //between x offsets between 0 and 1.

        this.ctx.font = this.font;

        var firstWidth = this.ctx.measureText(this.xLabels[0]).width,
            lastWidth = this.ctx.measureText(this.xLabels[this.xLabels.length - 1]).width,

        this.xScalePaddingRight = lastWidth / 2 + 3;
        this.xScalePaddingLeft = (firstWidth / 2 > this.yLabelWidth + 10) ? firstWidth / 2 : this.yLabelWidth + 10;

        this.xLabelRotation = 0;
        if (this.display) {
            var originalLabelWidth = helpers.longestText(this.ctx, this.font, this.xLabels),
            this.xLabelWidth = originalLabelWidth;
            //Allow 3 pixels x2 padding either side for label readability
            var xGridWidth = Math.floor(this.calculateX(1) - this.calculateX(0)) - 6;
            //check if option is set if so use that
            if (this.overrideRotation) {
                // do the same as before but manualy set the rotation rather than looping
                 this.xLabelRotation = this.overrideRotation;
                 cosRotation = Math.cos(helpers.radians(this.xLabelRotation));
                  // We're right aligning the text now.
                    if (firstRotated + this.fontSize / 2 > this.yLabelWidth + 8) {
                        this.xScalePaddingLeft = firstRotated + this.fontSize / 2;
                    this.xScalePaddingRight = this.fontSize / 2;
                    this.xLabelWidth = cosRotation * originalLabelWidth;
            } else {
                //Max label rotate should be 90 - also act as a loop counter
                while ((this.xLabelWidth > xGridWidth && this.xLabelRotation === 0) || (this.xLabelWidth > xGridWidth && this.xLabelRotation <= 90 && this.xLabelRotation > 0)) {
                    cosRotation = Math.cos(helpers.radians(this.xLabelRotation));

                    firstRotated = cosRotation * firstWidth;
                    lastRotated = cosRotation * lastWidth;

                    // We're right aligning the text now.
                    if (firstRotated + this.fontSize / 2 > this.yLabelWidth + 8) {
                        this.xScalePaddingLeft = firstRotated + this.fontSize / 2;
                    this.xScalePaddingRight = this.fontSize / 2;

                    this.xLabelWidth = cosRotation * originalLabelWidth;

            if (this.xLabelRotation > 0) {
                this.endPoint -= Math.sin(helpers.radians(this.xLabelRotation)) * originalLabelWidth + 3;
        } else {
            this.xLabelWidth = 0;
            this.xScalePaddingRight = this.padding;
            this.xScalePaddingLeft = this.padding;



то в расширении класс bar для создания нового типа графа и переопределите метод init для использования нового

    name: "MyBar",
    initialize: function(data) {

        //Expose options as a scope variable here so we can access it in the ScaleClass
        var options = this.options;

        this.ScaleClass = Chart.MyScale.extend({
            overrideRotation: options.overrideRotation,
            offsetGridLines: true,
            calculateBarX: function(datasetCount, datasetIndex, barIndex) {
                //Reusable method for calculating the xPosition of a given bar based on datasetIndex & width of the bar
                var xWidth = this.calculateBaseWidth(),
                    xAbsolute = this.calculateX(barIndex) - (xWidth / 2),
                    barWidth = this.calculateBarWidth(datasetCount);

                return xAbsolute + (barWidth * datasetIndex) + (datasetIndex * options.barDatasetSpacing) + barWidth / 2;
            calculateBaseWidth: function() {
                return (this.calculateX(1) - this.calculateX(0)) - (2 * options.barValueSpacing);
            calculateBarWidth: function(datasetCount) {
                //The padding between datasets is to the right of each bar, providing that there are more than 1 dataset
                var baseWidth = this.calculateBaseWidth() - ((datasetCount - 1) * options.barDatasetSpacing);

                return (baseWidth / datasetCount);

        this.datasets = [];

        //Set up tooltip events on the chart
        if (this.options.showTooltips) {
            helpers.bindEvents(this, this.options.tooltipEvents, function(evt) {
                var activeBars = (evt.type !== 'mouseout') ? this.getBarsAtEvent(evt) : [];

                this.eachBars(function(bar) {
                    bar.restore(['fillColor', 'strokeColor']);
                helpers.each(activeBars, function(activeBar) {
                    activeBar.fillColor = activeBar.highlightFill;
                    activeBar.strokeColor = activeBar.highlightStroke;

        //Declare the extension of the default point, to cater for the options passed in to the constructor
        this.BarClass = Chart.Rectangle.extend({
            strokeWidth: this.options.barStrokeWidth,
            showStroke: this.options.barShowStroke,
            ctx: this.chart.ctx

        //Iterate through each of the datasets, and build this into a property of the chart
        helpers.each(data.datasets, function(dataset, datasetIndex) {

            var datasetObject = {
                label: dataset.label || null,
                fillColor: dataset.fillColor,
                strokeColor: dataset.strokeColor,
                bars: []


            helpers.each(dataset.data, function(dataPoint, index) {
                //Add a new point for each piece of data, passing any required data to draw.
                datasetObject.bars.push(new this.BarClass({
                    value: dataPoint,
                    label: data.labels[index],
                    datasetLabel: dataset.label,
                    strokeColor: dataset.strokeColor,
                    fillColor: dataset.fillColor,
                    highlightFill: dataset.highlightFill || dataset.fillColor,
                    highlightStroke: dataset.highlightStroke || dataset.strokeColor
            }, this);

        }, this);


        this.BarClass.prototype.base = this.scale.endPoint;

        this.eachBars(function(bar, index, datasetIndex) {
            helpers.extend(bar, {
                width: this.scale.calculateBarWidth(this.datasets.length),
                x: this.scale.calculateBarX(this.datasets.length, datasetIndex, index),
                y: this.scale.endPoint
        }, this);


теперь вы можете объявить диаграмму с использованием этого типа диаграммы и передать опцию overrideRotation

вот пример скрипта http://jsfiddle.net/leighking2/ye3usuhu/

и фрагмент

var helpers = Chart.helpers;
Chart.MyScale = Chart.Scale.extend({
    calculateXLabelRotation: function() {
        //Get the width of each grid by calculating the difference
        //between x offsets between 0 and 1.

        this.ctx.font = this.font;

        var firstWidth = this.ctx.measureText(this.xLabels[0]).width,
            lastWidth = this.ctx.measureText(this.xLabels[this.xLabels.length - 1]).width,

        this.xScalePaddingRight = lastWidth / 2 + 3;
        this.xScalePaddingLeft = (firstWidth / 2 > this.yLabelWidth + 10) ? firstWidth / 2 : this.yLabelWidth + 10;

        this.xLabelRotation = 0;
        if (this.display) {
            var originalLabelWidth = helpers.longestText(this.ctx, this.font, this.xLabels),
            this.xLabelWidth = originalLabelWidth;
            //Allow 3 pixels x2 padding either side for label readability
            var xGridWidth = Math.floor(this.calculateX(1) - this.calculateX(0)) - 6;
            if (this.overrideRotation) {
                 this.xLabelRotation = this.overrideRotation;
                 cosRotation = Math.cos(helpers.radians(this.xLabelRotation));
                  // We're right aligning the text now.
                    if (firstRotated + this.fontSize / 2 > this.yLabelWidth + 8) {
                        this.xScalePaddingLeft = firstRotated + this.fontSize / 2;
                    this.xScalePaddingRight = this.fontSize / 2;
                    this.xLabelWidth = cosRotation * originalLabelWidth;
            } else {
                //Max label rotate should be 90 - also act as a loop counter
                while ((this.xLabelWidth > xGridWidth && this.xLabelRotation === 0) || (this.xLabelWidth > xGridWidth && this.xLabelRotation <= 90 && this.xLabelRotation > 0)) {
                    cosRotation = Math.cos(helpers.radians(this.xLabelRotation));

                    firstRotated = cosRotation * firstWidth;
                    lastRotated = cosRotation * lastWidth;

                    // We're right aligning the text now.
                    if (firstRotated + this.fontSize / 2 > this.yLabelWidth + 8) {
                        this.xScalePaddingLeft = firstRotated + this.fontSize / 2;
                    this.xScalePaddingRight = this.fontSize / 2;

                    this.xLabelWidth = cosRotation * originalLabelWidth;

            if (this.xLabelRotation > 0) {
                this.endPoint -= Math.sin(helpers.radians(this.xLabelRotation)) * originalLabelWidth + 3;
        } else {
            this.xLabelWidth = 0;
            this.xScalePaddingRight = this.padding;
            this.xScalePaddingLeft = this.padding;



    name: "MyBar",
    initialize: function(data) {

        //Expose options as a scope variable here so we can access it in the ScaleClass
        var options = this.options;

        this.ScaleClass = Chart.MyScale.extend({
            overrideRotation: options.overrideRotation,
            offsetGridLines: true,
            calculateBarX: function(datasetCount, datasetIndex, barIndex) {
                //Reusable method for calculating the xPosition of a given bar based on datasetIndex & width of the bar
                var xWidth = this.calculateBaseWidth(),
                    xAbsolute = this.calculateX(barIndex) - (xWidth / 2),
                    barWidth = this.calculateBarWidth(datasetCount);

                return xAbsolute + (barWidth * datasetIndex) + (datasetIndex * options.barDatasetSpacing) + barWidth / 2;
            calculateBaseWidth: function() {
                return (this.calculateX(1) - this.calculateX(0)) - (2 * options.barValueSpacing);
            calculateBarWidth: function(datasetCount) {
                //The padding between datasets is to the right of each bar, providing that there are more than 1 dataset
                var baseWidth = this.calculateBaseWidth() - ((datasetCount - 1) * options.barDatasetSpacing);

                return (baseWidth / datasetCount);

        this.datasets = [];

        //Set up tooltip events on the chart
        if (this.options.showTooltips) {
            helpers.bindEvents(this, this.options.tooltipEvents, function(evt) {
                var activeBars = (evt.type !== 'mouseout') ? this.getBarsAtEvent(evt) : [];

                this.eachBars(function(bar) {
                    bar.restore(['fillColor', 'strokeColor']);
                helpers.each(activeBars, function(activeBar) {
                    activeBar.fillColor = activeBar.highlightFill;
                    activeBar.strokeColor = activeBar.highlightStroke;

        //Declare the extension of the default point, to cater for the options passed in to the constructor
        this.BarClass = Chart.Rectangle.extend({
            strokeWidth: this.options.barStrokeWidth,
            showStroke: this.options.barShowStroke,
            ctx: this.chart.ctx

        //Iterate through each of the datasets, and build this into a property of the chart
        helpers.each(data.datasets, function(dataset, datasetIndex) {

            var datasetObject = {
                label: dataset.label || null,
                fillColor: dataset.fillColor,
                strokeColor: dataset.strokeColor,
                bars: []


            helpers.each(dataset.data, function(dataPoint, index) {
                //Add a new point for each piece of data, passing any required data to draw.
                datasetObject.bars.push(new this.BarClass({
                    value: dataPoint,
                    label: data.labels[index],
                    datasetLabel: dataset.label,
                    strokeColor: dataset.strokeColor,
                    fillColor: dataset.fillColor,
                    highlightFill: dataset.highlightFill || dataset.fillColor,
                    highlightStroke: dataset.highlightStroke || dataset.strokeColor
            }, this);

        }, this);


        this.BarClass.prototype.base = this.scale.endPoint;

        this.eachBars(function(bar, index, datasetIndex) {
            helpers.extend(bar, {
                width: this.scale.calculateBarWidth(this.datasets.length),
                x: this.scale.calculateBarX(this.datasets.length, datasetIndex, index),
                y: this.scale.endPoint
        }, this);


var randomScalingFactor = function() {
    return Math.round(Math.random() * 100)

var barChartData = {
    labels: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July"],
    datasets: [{
        fillColor: "rgba(220,220,220,0.5)",
        strokeColor: "rgba(220,220,220,0.8)",
        highlightFill: "rgba(220,220,220,0.75)",
        highlightStroke: "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
        data: [randomScalingFactor(), randomScalingFactor(), randomScalingFactor(), randomScalingFactor(), randomScalingFactor(), randomScalingFactor(), randomScalingFactor()]
    }, {
        fillColor: "rgba(151,187,205,0.5)",
        strokeColor: "rgba(151,187,205,0.8)",
        highlightFill: "rgba(151,187,205,0.75)",
        highlightStroke: "rgba(151,187,205,1)",
        data: [randomScalingFactor(), randomScalingFactor(), randomScalingFactor(), randomScalingFactor(), randomScalingFactor(), randomScalingFactor(), randomScalingFactor()]
    }, {
        fillColor: "rgba(15,18,20,0.5)",
        strokeColor: "rgba(15,18,20,0.8)",
        highlightFill: "rgba(15,18,20,0.75)",
        highlightStroke: "rgba(15,18,20,1)",
        data: [randomScalingFactor(), randomScalingFactor(), randomScalingFactor(), randomScalingFactor(), randomScalingFactor(), randomScalingFactor(), randomScalingFactor()]

window.onload = function() {
    var ctx = document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d");
    window.myBar = new Chart(ctx).MyBar(barChartData, {
        overrideRotation: 30
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/Chart.js/1.0.1/Chart.js"></script>

    <canvas id="canvas" height="150" width="300"></canvas>

Ответ 2

Если вы используете chart.js 2.x, просто установите maxRotation: 90 и minRotation: 90 в настройках тиков. Меня устраивает! И если вы хотите все x-метки, вы можете установить autoSkip: false. Ниже приведен пример.

var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
  type: 'bar',
  data: chartData,
  options: {
    scales: {
      xAxes: [{
        ticks: {
          autoSkip: false,
          maxRotation: 90,
          minRotation: 90