алгоритм согласования последовательностей в python - программирование
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алгоритм согласования последовательностей в python

У меня есть список предложений, таких как:

errList = [ 'Ragu ate lunch but didnt have Water for drinks',
            'Rams ate lunch but didnt have Gatorade for drinks',
            'Saya ate lunch but didnt have :water for drinks',
            'Raghu ate lunch but didnt have water for drinks',
            'Hanu ate lunch but didnt have -water for drinks',
            'Wayu ate lunch but didnt have water for drinks',
            'Viru ate lunch but didnt have .water 4or drinks',

            'kk ate lunch & icecream but did have Water for drinks',
            'M ate lunch &and icecream but did have Gatorade for drinks',
            'Parker ate lunch icecream but didnt have :water for drinks',
            'Sassy ate lunch and icecream but didnt have water for drinks',
            'John ate lunch and icecream but didnt have -water for drinks',
            'Pokey ate lunch and icecream but didnt have Water for drinks',
            'Laila ate lunch and icecream but did have water 4or drinks',

Я хочу узнать количество длинных фраз/часть (фраза должна быть более 2 слов) предложений в каждом элементе списка? В следующем примере вывод будет ближе к этому (длинная фраза как ключ и значение как значение):

{ 'ate lunch but didnt have': 7,
  'water for drinks': 7,
  'ate lunch and icecream': 4,
  'didnt have water': 3,
  'didnt have Water': 2    # case sensitives

Использование re-модуля не может быть и речи, поскольку проблема близка к совпадению последовательностей или, возможно, с использованием nltk или, возможно, scikit-learn? У меня есть некоторое знакомство с НЛП и scikit, но недостаточно, чтобы решить это? Если я разрешу это, я опубликую его здесь.


Ответ 1

Это не слишком больно с scikit-learn с немного numpy foo. Слово предупреждения, хотя, здесь у меня только значения по умолчанию для предварительной обработки, если вы заинтересованы в пунктуации в вашем наборе данных, тогда вам нужно будет настроить это.

from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer

# Find all the phrases >2 up to the max length 
cv = CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(3, max([len(x.split(' ')) for x in errList])))
# Get the counts of the phrases
err_counts = cv.fit_transform(errList)
# Get the sum of each of the phrases
err_counts = err_counts.sum(axis=0)
# Mess about with the types, sparsity is annoying
err_counts = np.squeeze(np.asarray(err_counts))
# Retrieve the actual phrases that we're working with
feat_names = np.array(cv.get_feature_names())

# We don't have to sort here, but it nice to if you want to print anything
err_counts_sorted = err_counts.argsort()[::-1]
feat_names = feat_names[err_counts_sorted]
err_counts = err_counts[err_counts_sorted]

# This is the dictionary that you were after
err_dict = dict(zip(feat_names, err_counts))

Здесь вывод для нескольких лучших

11 but didnt have
10 have water for drinks
10 have water for
10 water for drinks
10 but didnt have water
10 didnt have water
9 but didnt have water for drinks
9 but didnt have water for
9 didnt have water for drinks
9 didnt have water for

Ответ 2

Если вы не хотите беспокоиться о внешних библиотеках, вы можете сделать это с помощью только stdlib (хотя это может быть медленнее, чем некоторые альтернативы):

import collections
import itertools

def gen_ngrams(sentence):
    words = sentence.split() # or re.findall('\b\w+\b'), or whatever
    n_words = len(words)
    for i in range(n_words - 2):
        for j in range(i + 3, n_words):
            yield ' '.join(words[i: j]) # Assume normalization of spaces

def count_ngrams(sentences):
    return collections.Counter(
            gen_ngrams(sentence) for sentence in sentences

counts = count_ngrams(errList)

Который доставит вам:

{'but didnt have': 11,
 'ate lunch but': 7,
 'ate lunch but didnt': 7,
 'ate lunch but didnt have': 7,
 'lunch but didnt': 7,
 'lunch but didnt have': 7,
 'icecream but didnt': 4,
 'icecream but didnt have': 4,
 'ate lunch and': 4,
 'ate lunch and icecream': 4}

Ответ 3

Не все решение, но чтобы помочь вам немного по пути, следующее даст вам словарь ngrams и counts. Затем следующий шаг, как отметил Билл Белл в комментариях, отфильтровывать более короткие подпоследовательности. Это (как также указано в комментариях) означало бы принятие решения о вашей максимальной длине, а также то, что определяет фразу...

from nltk import ngrams, word_tokenize
from collections import defaultdict
min_ngram_length = 1
max_ngram_length = max([len(x) for x in errList])
d = defaultdict(int)
for item in errList:
    for i in range(min_ngram_length, max_ngram_length):
        for ngram in ngrams(word_tokenize(item), i):
            d[ngram] += 1
for pair in sorted(d.items(), key = lambda x: x[1], reverse=True):

Ответ 4

Использование инструментов из сторонней библиотеки more_itertools:


import itertools as it
import collections as ct

import more_itertools as mit

data = [ 
    "Ragu ate lunch but didnt have Water for drinks",
    "Rams ate lunch but didnt have Gatorade for drinks",
    "Saya ate lunch but didnt have :water for drinks",
    "Raghu ate lunch but didnt have water for drinks",
    "Hanu ate lunch but didnt have -water for drinks",
    "Wayu ate lunch but didnt have water for drinks",
    "Viru ate lunch but didnt have .water 4or drinks",
    "kk ate lunch & icecream but did have Water for drinks",
    "M ate lunch &and icecream but did have Gatorade for drinks",
    "Parker ate lunch icecream but didnt have :water for drinks",
    "Sassy ate lunch and icecream but didnt have water for drinks",
    "John ate lunch and icecream but didnt have -water for drinks",
    "Pokey ate lunch and icecream but didnt have Water for drinks",
    "Laila ate lunch and icecream but did have water 4or drinks",


ngrams = []
for sentence in data:
    words = sentence.split()
    for n in range(3, len(words)+1): 
        ngrams.extend((list(mit.windowed(words, n))))

counts = ct.Counter(ngrams)


{('but', 'didnt', 'have'): 11,
 ('ate', 'lunch', 'but'): 7,
 ('lunch', 'but', 'didnt'): 7,
 ('ate', 'lunch', 'but', 'didnt'): 7,
 ('lunch', 'but', 'didnt', 'have'): 7}


sentences = [sentence.split() for sentence in data]
ngrams = mit.flatten(list(mit.windowed(w, n)) for n in range(3, len(sentences)+1) for w in sentences)
counts = ct.Counter(ngrams)